It's a good lunch time. However, the manager's face is not bright. I asked why he was in trouble at work, and he said yesterday that he had a big fight with his wife. Then three people who ate lunch together, including me , say, "Uh, I fought too." Looking at each other's faces and looking at each other, they naturally talk about the situation. First of all, says Han Mo.

"I don't know how much to earn."
"What do you mean?"
"This month, it's completely deficit. When I looked at my bank account balance yesterday afternoon, I had less money than I thought, so I got a small loan to cover my insurance. It's all gone, and I got angry and annoyed my wife where he used it, and he said that he didn't write anything for him, but he was more tempered, saying he endured trying to buy a 2,000 won coffee today. In the end, we fought loudly."
"Oh. But why was there something special to spend this time? Why was it so over?"
"It's Corona."
"Aha, I spent a lot of time at home with the kids, so it cost a lot of ingredients."
"No. It turned out that the tuition fee was twice as high as usual. "
"Huh? Why?"
"That's funny. I started school now, but the vacation was extended a month or two ago. I didn't miss it, and the school continued to extend special lectures for vacations. The special lecture fee is twice the normal. I couldn't do it, so I had to cry and eat mustard. As a result, most of my salary went to school fees, so I got a deficit."

Everyone was a parent, so I was very sad and comforted. Then, the branch manager, the father of a middle and high school student, said he fought for a similar problem.

"One exaggerated child is a middle school student and one? I'm a middle and high school 3rd parent. I don't know how much it costs for education. My wife didn't even talk at all. Probably bringing all of the housekeepers to the academy. Then, why do I do that even if I don't have money all the time? Even if you don't study well, even if you don't go to an academy, you do well with self-directed learning.
"There's a saying. To send a child to a prestigious university, he needs to have his father's indifference, his mother's intelligence, and his grandfather's talents. The manager broke the first rule."
"Haha, I guess I've heard of it too. It's real, huh. But my father is not good enough... How do I make money? These days, ants say that they buy a lot of stocks. Should I invest in stocks again?"

Then, the deputy chief Jung Mo was shocked and satisfied.

"Chief manager. The reason I quarreled with my wife yesterday is because of stock investment. Don't."
"Why did you have fun these days?"
"I don't know and there is no end to the fall in the stock price index. Strangely, if I buy it, it falls. Uh, anyway, yesterday, my wife said we should send a customized English and math school for this vacation. So I asked how much, and I said a considerable amount. He said that we didn't have that money, and now that is the most important time for a child, we have to educate some of the stocks that we have, but as I said, my stocks don't make any sense to sell so I was hesitant. I noticed what it meant, and then it hit me well. It looked bad because it didn't look good, and it eventually spread into a fight."

I was listening silently. Then three people look at me at the same time and ask why they fought.

"I am the same. Child education costs are a problem."
"Please be specific. Like us."
"My boy, I'm actually going to go to the arts. Right. It's very expensive. So when I first started, I had to worry a lot about mana. But I found out that our company is also supporting the tuition in that direction. So I decided to make it difficult I decided."
"But Corona is making the company difficult now. I was worried that this support system would be gone. So I asked Swipe to send the tuition back to the regular school because the tuition support may be lost."
"Are you sure? You must have been upset."
"It's how I do it now. But in reality, it's the same as if you're spending a lot of money on art, general studies, etc. I just told you to do it.
"Yes. According to the latest statistics, it is necessary to spend at least 3 million won per month for private education expenses to send to places like Yeongjae High School and High School High School. So to send a prestigious university...
"That's right. So I ended up worrying about each other and spreading through brawls. I'm worried anyway."

Afterwards, we talked about how we could make more money to educate our children again and finally came to this conclusion. "It's not a stock or a real estate, it's nothing else. It's just a job or a good job that doesn't get cut off in this country," he said.

We hurriedly finished the meal and walked into the office. There was a beautiful thing waiting for me to be under stress. But I didn't hate it. Rather, I gladly accepted the stress.

#In-It #In-It #Kim Chang-Gyu #After all, # Meet'In

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