"It is high time that the government and the parliament also make sure to support the crisis of cultural life in the country," writes representatives of the county theaters, county museums and regional music in an open letter to Culture Minister Amanda Lind (MP) and Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson (S).

The letter addresses the difficult economic situation experienced by the regional culture as a result of the pandemic and asks for an extra payment to the regions through the cultural cooperation model.

"The county culture gets stuck"

The signatories of the letter also write that the Swedish organization Art Scene Art estimates that the regional culture loses about SEK 22-28 million a week and that the financial situation of the regional culture was difficult even before the pandemic.

In the letter, they also mention that the county culture often gets bogged down, as the region's chiefs often need to prioritize, for example, healthcare and public transport over culture.

"As we see it, it is necessary for the state to extend a supportive hand to the regions," write representatives of the county theaters, county museums and regional music in the letter.

Minister of Culture Amanda Lind said at the end of May that she had no message about increased support for the regions.

The cultural news is looking for Amanda Lind and Magdalena Andersson for a comment.