Wang Zengqi Memorial Museum "Copy" Muxin Art Museum?

  Recently, the Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall of Gaoyou, Jiangsu Province, which was opened shortly, has been questioned in many ways. It is very similar to the Muxin Art Museum in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. It is suspected of plagiarism. The most obvious one is the design of the building facade. In response, the design team of Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall, Tongji University Architectural Design Institute No. 4 published an article entitled "Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall Design Interpretation" on its public account in response to this "plagiarism storm".

  Wang Zengqi Memorial Front Main Logo Wall Muxin Art Museum Front Main Logo Wall

  Wang Zengqi Memorial Stepped Library Muxin Art Museum Stepped Library

  Revolving staircase of Wang Zengqi Memorial Museum

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Huang Yanwen

 Event review

  Wang Zengqi Memorial was questioned in multiple places to design "plagiarism" Muxin Art Museum

  The question claimed that the Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall (new hall) in Gaoyou, Jiangsu, the hometown of Wang, is similar to the Muxin Art Museum in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, including the building facade materials, the writer's main logo design, and some interior space designs. For example, the two venues are connected to the upper and lower floors with a serpentine spiral staircase, the exhibition wall is made of clear water concrete, and a large black and white simple frame on one side wall is displayed to commemorate the writer.

  More prominently, in the library for readers to read the works of the writer, both venues are designed in a staircase design, so that the side of the book collection area is closely connected with the ladder, and the use of bookshelves and display panels to make the whole space look staggered There is. In addition, the design of the multiple glass zeniths, aisles and corridors inside the Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall is very similar to the Muxin Art Museum.

  It is understood that to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Mr. Wang Zengqi's birth, the Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall officially opened on May 18 this year. Mu Xin Art Museum was built to commemorate Mu Xin, a painter and writer, and opened in 2015.

  After the "plagiarism", Chen Danqing, director of the Muxin Art Museum and the famous painter, said in an interview with the media that the Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall is not plagiarism, but homogenized, because it is only the angle and face taken by a few photos and the Muxin Art Museum Similar, but the panorama and other angles are completely another building. But he also said that as the imitated party, it would feel a little funny and a little uncomfortable. Tongji University Architectural Design Institute only needs to respond to one sentence-have you seen the Muxin Art Museum before the design?

  Design team responds

  Post an article one by one to refute "plagiarism"

  As one of the important projects in the Gaoyou local “gathering cultural people” project, Wang Zengqi's cultural characteristic block has always been a pilgrimage place for "Wang Fan" and many literature lovers. It is understood that Wang Zengqi's cultural characteristic block has a total construction area of ​​more than 9,500 square meters. Since 2016, it has been invested and constructed by Gaoyou Cultural Tourism Group, and is divided into Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall, Wang Mi Tribe, and Wang Family Banquet according to "one axis, two belts and three pieces". And the four core functional areas of Wang's Inn.

  The newly opened Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall is set up on Dongmen Street. Before entering the hall, the facade of the wood-grained clear water cement shows the simple and modern look of the memorial hall, yet without losing the modern and simple look. "Eaves makes the entire outer wall look like stacks of open manuscripts." The museum is composed of 11 exhibition halls in two floors, divided into five themes: "One Hundred Years Old Wang", "Wang Zengqi's Literary World", "People and Things in Hometown", "Being Humanistic" and "Remembrance and Inheritance". Life and literature.

  The reporter saw an article titled "Interpretation of Wang Zengqi's Memorial Design" on the public number "Tongji Design Fourth Academy." The article detailed the overall design ideas of the Wang Zengqi Memorial as a response to the "plagiarism incident".

  The article explained in detail that after three rounds of design, the design team finally established the roof plan of "Buddha beads". "The memorial itself was transformed into "椟" and "floated" on the first floor of the base, which is integrated into the texture of the ancient city. , And can accommodate the collection writer's achievements in different literary fields (beads), this is the'Zizhu Tibetan beads'. The'Zhizhu Tibetan beads' plan, first of all, there is a base, then the second floor of each'椟' Placed on the base of the first floor. The base of this first floor is a metaphor for the Gaoyou Canal embankment. It can be said that the three of'city','water' and'room' constitute the main spatial and environmental features of Wang Zengqi's literary works , And the design concepts of'city','water' and'room' also reflect the connection between Wang Lao's work and Gaoyou."

  The external plagiarism question is focused on two points. First, the exterior wall materials and design of the building facade are all made of clear water concrete as the building material, and second, some internal designs are similar. In this interpretation, they also responded one by one. In terms of building materials, it was written that when the architect visited the base for the first time, the site had already been demolished. The architect looked at the piles of waste materials that were going to be transported away, and could vaguely feel the history that had happened on the base. "These Old bricks, old tiles and old roof trusses, or even the drinking troughs in the stone-hewn stables, aren’t all the genes implicit in this site? Why not let these genes continue to be passed on?” Therefore, the design team decided to use the gray bricks that can be used on site. The red bricks are applied to the hollow wall of the "Gaoyou Landscape" along Fugongqiao Road. In this way, gray bricks, red bricks, plain concrete, and green tiles are the color tone, continuing the tradition of Gaoyou's residential houses, and reflecting Wang Zengqi's unique and charming cultural heritage.

  Regarding the issue of using wood-grained fair-faced concrete materials for the memorial, the design team claimed that it was also well-thought-out. “First, fair-faced concrete is widely used in memorial-type exhibition buildings and is already a relatively mature architectural performance material. Secondly, it is hoped that in concrete The texture of the warm gray bumps on the surface is mainly considered in two aspects: one is the shape, I hope to show the stacking effect of the pages of Wang Lao's books and books through the horizontal texture of the bumps, and the second is the warm gray that reminds Wang Lao's "human sent" Xiao Wen'."

  In the interview with the media, Professor Jiang Limin, head of the design team of Wang Zengqi Memorial Museum and deputy chief architect of the Architectural Design Institute of Tongji University, also said that any building is designed based on a specific site, city, and culture. Therefore, the indoor exhibition space of cultural celebrity monumental buildings has its common characteristics. "If only one or two fragments are selected for comparison, is it suspected to be out of context?" He suggested that those interested in this project should feel it on the spot.

 Scholar's View

  Wang Zengqi Research President: arguing about the importance of the Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall

  Regarding this "plagiarism", Lu Zenghua, chairman of Wang Zengqi Research Association, believes that Gaoyou, as the hometown of Wang Zengqi's lifelong love, the local government decided to build the Wang Zengqi Memorial in accordance with public opinion. Lu Jianhua believes that its significance is far more than ordinary commemoration Wang Zengqi's patriotic love for his hometown's noble feelings will further promote Wang Zengqi's literary achievements, literary ideas, and literary spirit, and promote the continuous development of Gaoyou's local culture.

  Lu Jianhua has always supported the construction of the "Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall" in his hometown, but because of his growing age, he said he only paid more attention to the layout of the memorial exhibits, and did not participate in the construction of the "Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall" itself, so Know nothing. Regarding this "plagiarism", Lu Jianhua believes that no matter how much controversy there is in the architectural design of the "Wang Zengqi Exhibition Hall", it will not affect the significance of Gaoyou's construction of the "Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall".

  Lu Jianhua told reporters that he had not visited the "Muxin Art Museum" in Zhejiang. "Musin is also everyone I admire. You can compare and discuss the design theory, structure, appearance, etc. of the memorial hall of these two literature masters. The purpose is to accumulate experience for building celebrity memorials in the future. But we must be alert to leave the memorial building itself, and compare the literary achievements of Wang Zengqi and Mu Xin consciously and unconsciously." In addition, Lu Jianhua believes that Some photos of "Wang Zengqi Memorial Hall" and "Muxin Art Museum" at a glance look the same and have many similarities. Whether they accidentally crashed, intentionally imitated, or borrowed something from them, further in-depth investigation and scientific analysis are required. Can't jump to conclusions.