Slander on the Internet Consider disclosing phone numbers to identify anonymous contributors June 4, 14:56

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' Council of Experts identified the information to be disclosed by adding a telephone number to a mechanism that allows people who have been openly or slandered online to request information disclosure in order to identify anonymously posted people. We will proceed with the examination in the direction of making it easier.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications establishes an expert meeting on the Internet to review the mechanism of the "Provider Liability Limitation Law" that allows people who have been hurt or defamed anonymously to disclose information about people who posted anonymously. I am.

At the meeting on the 4th, the person in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, as the number of cases where the poster cannot be identified is increasing, in addition to the disclosure of the name, address, IP address corresponding to the address on the net, etc., target the telephone number I proposed.

The committee commented that it was necessary to facilitate the procedure, and there was no major opposition, so we decided to consider in detail in the direction of adding a telephone number.

In addition, at the meeting, it was also discussed whether the conditions for disclosure, which is said to be "when infringement is obvious", should be eased in order to reduce the burden on the victim, such as the time and cost required for the procedure, and post without any problem. There was an opinion that it is important to balance with freedom of expression so as not to atrophy.

The problem of how to prevent inappropriate posts from a professional wrestler woman who appeared on a commercial program last month after she died in a series of posts on the SNS caused by pits and slurs Therefore, the experts' meeting will show the direction of the review next month.