Aerial view of the mangrove in New Caledonia in September 2006. - MARC LE CHELARD / AFP

Slowing down erosion, browning fish or crabs, while helping young people to reintegrate. In Nouméa, in New Caledonia, the SOS Mangroves association replants mangroves to revive the mangrove.

Not content with being the “cradle” of aquatic animal life, and therefore food for future generations, the latter also protects the coasts from rising water, as explained by Monik Lorfanfant, member of the association. Our partner, Brut, followed her, alongside young people with social difficulties who reintegrate by working within the association.

The mangrove victim of global warming in Australia The mangrove, a carbon trap with potentials still unknown  
  • Gross
  • Global warming
  • erosion
  • New Caledonia
  • Planet