On June 4th, a special guest was greeted by the Green Hoop Animal Hospital in Kunming-the world's smallest horse breed Farabella "Little Black". It will conduct health examinations such as B-ultrasound here, as well as items such as shock wave physiotherapy, hair styling, and nail art.

  According to reports, like people, horses regularly need to "cut their nails." If the hoof is not repaired for a long time, it will affect the horse's walking, and it will cause serious damage to bones, joints, tendons and ligaments. Because it is horny tissue, the pony will not hurt when repairing hoofs, just like human nails.

  Although it is said that as a pet horse, Xiaoheihe does not exercise much every day, but during the physical examination, the veterinarian will scan the leg ligaments and joints of "heiheihe" with a color ultrasound to check for injuries.

  Shockwave is a restorative treatment for sports horse ligaments and bone and joint injuries.

  According to reports, "Xiaoheihei" has grown up and found a spouse. In order to master its physical condition and ensure the health of its breeding offspring, the coaches of "Little Black" arranged this special "marriage check" for him.

  Farabella is native to Argentina and is a rare animal. The number of purebred Farabella ponies in the world does not exceed 2000, and it is called "the smallest horse in the world".

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]