Group created by IT companies To establish a consultation desk for slanders on SNS 14:44 on June 4

Since fluttering and slander on SNS have become a big problem, an organization created by IT companies will set up a contact point this month to receive consultation from victims.

The window will be set up by the "Safer Internet Association", a general incorporated association made by IT companies such as Yahoo.

By the end of this month, the SNS will set up a contact point on the homepage of the association to accept consultations from people who have had headaches or slander.

And it's about giving out requests to delete inappropriate posts instead, and giving advice on how to request the disclosure of information about people who posted anonymously.

The organization has been making efforts to prevent damage to child pornography, etc., but it was reported that a professional wrestler woman who appeared on a commercial program last month died in a series of postings of open air and defamation on SNS. In response, I decided to set up a window.

Also, in response to consultations from SNS operators, etc., who are requested to disclose information by victims, specialists such as lawyers can help to balance damage relief with freedom of expression and confidentiality of communications. We are going to support them together.