Announcement of names of dead in case of disaster National Governor's Association requests national uniform standards 19:08 June 4

Regarding the announcement of the names of dead and missing people in the event of a disaster, the National Governor's Association has announced the survey results that the prefectures that have established a response policy are only one-fourth of the total, and that the response is uneven, I have again requested that the country establish a unified standard.

Regarding the dead and missing people in the event of a disaster, the national disaster prevention basic plan states that the prefectures compile the numbers, but there is no clear rule regarding the announcement of names, and the local governments make their own decisions.

The National Governor's Association surveyed each prefecture from November last year to January this year, and as a result, "established" 12, "scheduled in the future" 6, "planned to be established" 7 was "undetermined" and 22 was "not determined".

Last year, the National Governor's Association called on the government to create a unified standard, but it has not been formulated yet, and says, "We have a different mindset for each prefecture, and we have been able to understand the actual situation in which we are troubled." ..

Against this backdrop, in March this year, Kanagawa Prefecture began to set a policy of promptly disclosing names, regardless of intentions of bereaved families.

Governor Kuroiwa of Kanagawa Prefecture, who is the chairman of the crisis management and disaster prevention committee of the National Governor's Association, said at the meeting on the 4th, "We prepared the "Kanagawa system" and made a presentation after that, but no major problems have occurred." I want you to proceed while doing this."

The National Governor's Association is requesting the government to establish a unified standard.