Controlled at 187 km / h instead of 80 km / h, the vehicle was immobilized. - Gendarmerie de la Gironde

The Gironde gendarmerie is alerting to a series of major speeding tickets and "dangerous behavior by road users" in recent days in the department.

Monday around 4 p.m., the gendarmes of the Saint-André-de-Cubzac motorized brigade checked a 25-year-old motorist on the RN10 at Laruscade, at 184 km / h instead of 110 km / h. His vehicle was immobilized and the driver's license revoked.

Three motorcycles controlled at 150 km / h

Sunday around 11:20 am, on the RD670 in Saint-Laurent-des-Combes, a motorist was checked by the gendarmes of the Libourne motorized brigade at a speed of 187 km / h for an authorized speed of 80 km / h… The driver was subject to an immediate retention of his driver's license and his vehicle was subject to administrative immobilization.

At the same time, on the D3 at Saint-Léger-de-Balson, the gendarmes of the Langon highway platoon controlled three motorcyclists at speeds of 150 km / h for two of them and 149 km / h for the last for a speed limited to 80 km / h on this axis.


Nantes: Several “anti-rodeo” police operations in recent days


Road safety is alarmed by the sharp increase in road deaths

  • Society
  • Gendarmerie
  • Aquitaine
  • Bordeaux
  • Road safety