Today, the world is addressing the people with skills, after the skills have become competing with academic degrees, many international institutions tend to employ those who are skilled and have exceptional talents, without looking for their degrees such as companies (GOOGLE, APPLE, IBM) and others, and this approach is consistent with the nature of today's generation. Generation Z »Those born with digital development and excelled in the use of technology that opened up to them a variety of opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills, and this was reflected in the success of our students from this generation in achieving a rapid transformation towards distance learning, and the completion of the current academic year supported by their digital skills.

So the reality of global changes and our belief in the different features of today's generation from the previous one, we had to devise a new thought on how to prepare the human cadres for the future, we called it "Personality of the Future" "Future Persona", which provides an integrated formulation of the features of the human being of the future with three basic components that include: Digital Persona, Persona is professional, Persona is entrepreneur.

In previous columns, I presented the concept of "Persona the Future" and devoted space to digital Persona as one of the characteristics of future students, concerned with building and digital preparation for our students and their empowerment according to a system of studied digital skills that are in line with international standards, and today I address «Professional Persona», which is another essential feature In building the future personality, the question here is when and how do we build this trait in our students?

The process of building "professional persona" revolves around empowering students with professional skills by making them part of the education system, especially at the university level, and this is achieved through three basic factors: (1) Including international professional certifications within the curriculum, so that it enables Students are able to receive the basic principles of these certificates during the study years and complete their requirements of job experience in the job market during study or after graduation, to become licensed and certified professionals. (2) Develop practical training programs, to allow the student to carry out real job tasks in labor institutions, especially the private sector, with what we call "the employee student", and this will enhance his job skills and link him to the reality of the labor market. (3) Linking the educational ladder to the career ladder, by linking the graduation in obtaining academic degrees (from diploma to masters) with practical experience of no less than two years between each degree, which will sharpen the skills and support practical experiences.

So, students enjoyed the professional personality, which will guarantee us: the quality of the outputs, support of graduates ’readiness in dealing with job changes, and keeping abreast of developments in the global skills of any sector or specialty, and today we can more than ever before realize the importance of skills for the future and we are living with the social and economic challenges that the world faces as a result of a virus Covid-19, which created millions of unemployed people who lost their jobs as a result, and surely those with professional skills and talents will not lose their jobs or at the very least they will have better job opportunities than others.

The bottom line is that professional skill preparation will contribute to supporting the national economy, raising production efficiency, and making our graduates more prepared not only for jobs that have not yet existed, but for challenges not yet created.

To read the previous articles of the writer please click on its name .

The process of building a "professional persona" is based on empowering students with professional skills.