
  A message of "Tsinghua Xueba gave up Baoyan to become a female special soldier"

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  Tsinghua Xueba, National Long Distance Champion

  National Women's Triathlon Championship


  Bring shining "business cards"

  September 2018

  Guo Jing gives up the opportunity of insurance research

  Join the army from Tsinghua University and come to the army

  Became a communications soldier

  at this time

  Coincided with the establishment of women's special team

  "Be a soldier, be a special soldier!"

  After learning the news

  Guo Jing is the first to sign up

  And submitted a cover letter


  Guo Jing passed the selection assessment

  Selected as the first place recruit

  Formally become a special team member

  "Since I chose this track

  You have to persevere if you bite your teeth"

  Climbing training ground

  More than 10 meters long climbing rope

  More than 20 pounds

  Guo Jing explores the essentials of actions over and over again

  When it's hardest

  She wore a pair of gloves in two days

  The palms of your hands rub out blood bubbles one after another

  To overcome fear

  She forced herself to climb many male soldiers

  Parachute landing platform

  Leap time and time again

  In addition

  Guo Jing practises hundreds of gun-aims every day

  The back was swollen and old by the buttstock

  She dragged a 150-pound dummy to practice repeatedly

  Wrist bleeding still refuses to rest

  Extreme training beyond self

  Guo Jing realizes the lagging behind

  Become the only volunteer instructor in the team

  Guo Jing's experience sparked heated discussion

  Many netizens like:

  Wen Wu Shuangquan

  Some netizens said:

  No matter which way you choose is excellent

  Have the courage to cast a pen

  Have more faith in defending the country

  No fear of wind and rain

  Wen Wu Shuangquan

  This is the Chinese youth!

  Source: Xinhuanet (ID: newsxinhua), China Youth Daily (ID: zqbcyol), Integrated People’s Army, CCTV Military, Time Video, etc.