Canal + broadcasts Tuesday evening the latest film by Cédric Klapisch, as well as a documentary devoted to the director. The opportunity for the filmmaker, who was invited by Philippe Vandel in Culture Medias on Europe 1, to discuss his main sources of inspiration but also his next film.


Canal + devotes a special evening to Cédric Klapisch on Tuesday 2 June, with the broadcast at 9 p.m. of his latest film Deux moi , followed at 22:53 by the documentary by Jean-Luc Perréard Cinéma by ... Cédric Klapisch , in which the director puts himself himself on stage.

"It was a way of giving my vision of this strange thing that is cinema", explains Cédric Klapisch at the microphone of Philippe Vandel, in Culture Medias on Europe 1. "I have been talking to people with whom I work , like Loïk Dury who plays music for all my films ", he slips. The occasion of a long digression, for example, on the music of the Russian Dolls and Chinese Puzzle , often taken up on television or by advertising.

>> Find all of Philippe Vandel's programs in replay and podcast here

An upcoming film on contemporary dance

The director of Young Peril also visits artists he admires, such as filmmaker Bertrand Blier. "He is someone who impresses me a lot. I loved all of his films," says Cédric Klapisch.

Another relatively unknown aspect on which this documentary lifts the veil: Cédric Klapisch's passion for contemporary dance. "I was a big fan of Pina Bausch, it was she who pushed me to see more and more things."

Dance should also be at the heart of his next feature film. "These are characters who do contemporary dance, so that’s going to talk about something that people do not know well," the director is already delighted.