Affected by continuous heavy rainfall, Danzhu Village, Gongshan County, Nujiang Prefecture, Yunnan, experienced torrents of mudslides. The torrents that flowed straight down passed the village with mud and sand.

  At 10:10 a.m. on May 26, a flash flood broke out in Danzhu Village. The mudslides rushed down the river between the village committee and the Danzhu Kindergarten, rolling a huge yellow wave. The scene was very dangerous. Two hours later, a second debris flow broke out 50 meters away.

  Danzhu Kindergarten is only a few meters away from the river. On the day when the mudslide broke out, it was the first day of the children ’s semester. 26 children were attending school. Seeing the mudslides rushing down, the village committee immediately notified the teacher and nearby villagers to evacuate through big speakers, WeChat groups, phone calls, etc.

  The children were transported to the nearby safe farmers ’homes through the temporary river ladder. The next day, the children were sent home one after another.

  According to the statistics of Danzhu Village, the two debris flows caused severe damage to the houses of 14 villagers. Among them, the houses of two villagers only had frames left. Many villagers ’houses were flooded with a lot of sand and stones. The road in the village was temporarily interrupted. After the weather cleared in the past two days, the village committee successively organized everyone to carry out production self-help.

  At present, the relevant rescue departments of Gongshan County have basically rushed through the main roads of Danzhu Village and smoothly cleared the blocked river channels. In the past two days, everyone is clearing the silt and strengthening monitoring and early warning. (CCTV reporter Wang Xi Chen Jian Zhao Peng Chen Zheng)

  (Editor Wang Yibing)