According to several sources at the top of the state, the name of the Minister of Foreign Affairs insistently returns to the post of Prime Minister in the event of reshuffle. Very popular, Jean-Yves le Drian would have the mission to gather a fragmented majority around his social wing.

The President of the Republic is preparing the post-epidemic political project and is considering changing his team of ministers. A hypothesis is making its way to lead the government: Jean Yves Le Drian.

According to several concordant sources at the top of the state, the possibility of appointing the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Matignon is gaining ground. According to a source who follows the operations, we speak of "a working hypothesis studied closely". 

For several days, Jean-Yves le Drian has received several messages from the majority urging him to take the head of a new government. The main argument in favor of this option is its popularity. Jean-Yves le Drian, socialist and former traveling companion of François Hollande, in government since 2012, is the preferred minister in public opinion, including among right-wing voters.

Relatives of the president argue that with Jean-Yves Le Drian in Matignon, his roadmap would be to prepare the end of a five-year term by gathering a cracked and unbalanced majority on his social wing. It would also block a social democratic and environmental candidacy. 

With Jean-Yves le Drian, Emmanuel Macron could calmly prepare his project for 2022, it is said around the president. For now, the Minister of Foreign Affairs remains silent and indicates that he is mainly concerned with the future of the Renault factory in Codan in Morbihan. It was he who had favored its establishment in Brittany, when he presided over the region. This attachment to increasingly hot social issues proves once again that Jean-Yves le Drian is not only looking at diplomatic files.