I have questions: Why do all the world's governments collectively conspire against people? Or how did Washington, Israel, Bill Gates and Zionist masonry conspire against all the world's governments? Why did not a single government come out to say it was a conspiracy?

Is it possible for the "bad guys" to impose their agenda on the world in one go? Why didn't one news agency or one accredited official newspaper - just one - come out to say that the whole issue is a conspiracy? Why do conspiracies emerge from YouTube users and unknown and suspicious sites or scientists with a bad reputation?

Why not publish a reputable scientific journal about this conspiracy? What is President Donald Trump's interest in destroying his economic achievements in an election year?

Why did Zionism strike Israel, headed by the fanatical right-wing, Benjamin Netanyahu, even though he strongly supports it? Why did America hit itself? Why did the Israeli state investigate Netanyahu's corruption and not investigate the Corona plot?

Why is there no internal American investigation of this alleged plot, as happened with "Watergate", "Iran Contra", Monica Lewinsky, Hillary Clinton's email, and Robert Mueller's investigation into the issue of Russian connections and their interference in the American elections? Why has America investigated the possibility of President Trump's administration being involved in this crisis and not investigating today with his administration in the Corona plot?

Why the more I delve deeper into the conspiracy, I find countless contradictions, lies, myths and videos and confused those who are more sincere. Why do all press and scientific reports indicate one or two converging results?

Why is there a scientific consensus that the virus comes from nature? What is the interest of scientists in lying? What is the interest of news agencies in lying to the world? Are the chief editors, owners of these agencies, newspapers, and the media all conspiring with Washington, Israel, Freemasonry, or even China?

Are all scientists and journalists affiliated with Freemasonry? Does Freemasonry dominate the world for 300 years and no one ever defied it for three centuries? Why is there no consensus on any conspiracy theory? Why are there dozens of theories scattered all over the place when there is scientific agreement that the virus came from man’s inferiority on the ground?

When Germany conspired with Italy and Japan in World War II, Britain, America, and the Soviet Union allied against it, and when Washington wanted to occupy Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein, all the world's governments stood against it at the time except London.

When the tripartite aggression against Egypt occurred in 1956, Washington, Moscow and the United Nations objected to the aggression. Why did governments stand against one another in those events when the decisions of the governments of the world were similar in the "Coffed 19" crisis?

English: Wouldn't these examples make any more sense than the Zionist - Masonic - Zionist conspiracy to take over the world simultaneously at once? Is this a human act? God Almighty is the only one who can strike mankind simultaneously in one go .. only God.


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Is it possible that the "bad guys" imposed their agenda on the world in one go?