It will get a little hotter tomorrow (29th).

Seoul's midday temperature will be 27 degrees and 4 degrees higher than today.

In the weekend, the daytime in Seoul, the daytime temperature rises to 28 degrees, and in some areas, the temperature rises close to 30 degrees.

There will be no worries about fine dust tomorrow.

However, the atmosphere is stagnant in the morning, and there is a possibility that some fine dust temporarily accumulates in some metropolitan areas including Seoul, Chungbuk, and Yeongnam.

Tomorrow, we will have clear weather nationwide.

Seoul's morning temperature will rise to 15 degrees and midday temperature to around 27 degrees.

In the southern region of Daegu, the daytime temperature will rise to 28 degrees, and in the morning the fog will thicken around the west coast.

On the coming Saturday, it will rain once around the Jeju area.

(Lee Yeo-jin Weather Caster)