"Broken Wave" sister still hasn't walked out of female stereotypes

  At the beginning of this summer, people probably would n’t have thought that when the “sisters” of “Youth Have You 2” and “Creation Camp 2020” fought fiercely on the stage, a variety show of “sisters” would have sprung up when they had not been recorded. , Seize the annual Weibo hot search list "Idol Development" Tu screen time, and stay for a long time.

  Catering to "Young Worship"

  The audience suffers from a "girlish feeling" for a long time

  At the beginning of the month, as Liu Mintao interpreted a "red high heels" as "three-pointed sneer, three-pointed cool, four-pointed casual", people's attention to middle-aged female artists soared again. "Sister" has also quickly reached the top of the hot search list, breaking into the public's vision, and under the double blessing of the released contestant list and the program's record breaking news, people's expectations are filled with progress bars.

  It ’s still the mode of draft, development, and women ’s teams, but the identity of the participants has changed from a girl to a “sister” female artist. They have not completely jumped out of the original production logic of the domestic draft. The “old bottle” is loaded with the “new wine”, which is still Brings a lot of freshness. In the pool where the draft seems to be naturally tied up with young people, how the sister artists will swim and what kind of splash will be set off is worth playing.

  In a civilized society, we praise the wisdom, experience, and stability of the elderly, but in the entire human society, "young worship" is enduring. The vitality, vitality, and beauty represented by youth have always been praised and craved by people, while aging is endowed with negative and decadent qualities, and “age anxiety” strikes early. Nowadays, when talking about "people to middle age", it seems inevitable to be connected with "middle-aged dilemma".

  This kind of "young worship" is especially true for women. The ancients sighed early in the morning that "the most people can't keep, Zhu Yan's words, flowers and trees" are even more harsh on women in the entertainment industry. Whether Yang Rong said bluntly that "the current film and television environment prevents actresses from aging", or Yao Chen in Tencent's "Starry Sky Lecture" talked about the embarrassment of working women facing age and fertility issues, and then Haiqing at the 13th FIRST At the closing ceremony of the Youth Film Exhibition, the middle-aged actress was called, and the bottleneck of the middle-aged actress repeatedly set off discussions.

  Wrinkles, stains, and sagging can be regarded as a major enemy in our context. Middle-aged actresses have no drama to shoot; but in Europe and America, many important awards are being awarded to more and more middle-aged and elderly actors. At the age of 60, he appeared in "Three Billboards" and won the Oscar for Best Actress, Francis McDormand, three Oscar for Best Actress, Meryl Streep and the "Queen of French Literature" Isabelle Huppert is an example of being talked about.

  Therefore, in the face of the indisputable fact that program production tends to be younger, what people can see is that the liveliness of the screen seems to be distributed to girls only, and the power of middle-aged female artists through the years and time carving and submerging are nowhere to be seen. The placement of "girl girls" that caters to the target audience and market needs has become a "consensus".

  Middle-aged female artists have the helplessness of being "transparent", just like sitting in an elevator car that can't get up, either trying to play down and tender themselves, or boil down to become a real "old senior". In the field that has always been regarded as a variety show for boys and girls, "Sister on the Wind and the Waves" is not the usual way. The selection of female artists in the age of 30+ as the participants "aged into groups" naturally gains eyeballs. Quickly arouse people's singularity.

  Good-looking skins are the same. I have watched those heroes who are not familiar with the world and the "silly white sweet" style for a long time. I have seen more than 100 female players with long hair and beautiful skin in the variety draft. It is still difficult to find thousands of miles from them. Pick an interesting soul, and the rest is just dull and blind. In addition, Zhou Xun, who was over 40 years old in Ruyi's biography, played the 15-year-old girl, making people call "face collapse scene", and 37-year-old Yang Rong was criticized for playing the girl in the online drama "Shahai". Questioning makes people more aware that the middle-aged female artists' pursuit of freezing age and not daring to grow old have not only stemmed from the market trend, but also gradually became a female self under the aesthetic discipline of male power. Gaze and self-remodeling.

  The aesthetic standards of the former "little leaf eyebrows, apricot kernel eyes, and a little bit of cherry" changed into today's blind pursuit of slim body, thin face, and full of collagen. The seemingly different female images have not yet escaped being framed and designed. The shackles have become a spectacle for thousands of people, but they are self-deceiving and deceiving people who change soups and drugs.

  Not only the "sisters", more and more viewers are also suffering from the "girlish feeling" for a long time.

  Sister "goes out" collides with cultural industry idol assembly line

  The "Sister Who Rides the Wind and Waves", which was born out of nowhere, set off the heat precisely because it made people see the dawn of grasping the pain points. The show intends to break the stereotype that middle-aged female artists can no longer occupy the "C position". They will gather together female artists who have been famous for many years and have many fans, traffic and topical topics without following the routine. Their "front desk" personalities with different personalities, which have long been popular among the people, let the audience see the possibility of program differentiation effects, and also smell the atmosphere of shaping standard idols out of the cultural industry assembly line.

  For example, Tranquility, Zhang Meng, Zhang Yuqi and others have accumulated a lot of topics because of their own personality characteristics. The current outflow of "sisters" who refused to accept mobile phones, wear uniforms and other recordings broke the news, making people dare to say dare to do, special Stand alone and rub your hands. As some netizens said, “We miss the realism of the direct collision of the three views of individuals with different personalities.” Compared with the many talent shows, the “sisters” “show” It seems appropriate to show that women are real, fresh, independent and strong.

  "Creation Camp 2020" has a slogan: "Dare, I have a tremendous light." Connect growth and transformation with the realization of dreams and bravery, and build a closed loop of "because of bravery, so shine".

  The slogan of "The Sister Who Rides the Wind and Waves" is also very strong, prestigious and unwilling to lose: "Go to conquer, all disagree; go to meet, all prejudices; go to refuse to sign, all tags." The program is for 30+ female artists and female group drafts. Annotated "Concentrating on Dreaming" and "Youth is King" to create the values ​​of women who are not afraid of age and challenges under the contrast and tension of the "inverse age girl group", and guide female audiences to realize while watching the program Projection and resonance of self-identity appeal.

  Real stories of women are always ignored

  So, here comes the problem. If you want to "dare", will you reap the same "great light"?

  It is not difficult to find that in traditional talent shows, the courage of young boys and girls lies in saying goodbye to cowardice, overcoming fear, and surpassing themselves. The middle-aged "sisters" who stand on the draft stage. Their bravery, or their bravery that people expect, is to be able to get rid of age bottlenecks, break through secular prejudices, and redefine the most beautiful years for the public. It can be said that at this level, the former's "dare" is a step forward and merged into the vast world, while the latter's "dare" is a new way to open flowers in the gaps.

  But the old mother-like psychology of "cultivating" Aidou almost disappeared in the latter. Although the show is intended to show the glory of independent women of the Mesozoic generation, from the various sources of information flowing out at this time, what is more enjoyable in this ritual carnival is to cater to people's desire to eat melons and watch big plays. Rather than focusing on singing and dancing strength, and fairy fights, netizens are more willing to imagine "The Sister on the Wind and the Wave" as a "fighting wind and waves" palace fight drama, "tearing" has become the most common words on various social platforms.

  This has not yet come out of the strange circle of female stereotypes that domestic film and television works have long shaped. Either they are "Mary Su" -style good girls, who rely on men for everything, or strong women must fight and break apart. The portrayal of group portraits of women is limited to "a play of three women". It is not the light emitted by the individual, but the wiping of the tongue and the sword; it is not a collision between personality concepts, but a tear between women; it is not strong. Strong contests, but open fights. It can be said that the career difficulties of middle-aged female entertainers and the single dimension of female images in the program both point to a narrow imagination of female charm, ability, and strength. The true female stories are always overlooked. The plump and three-dimensional female characters are broken. While the audience is dragged into the aesthetic trap, they also unwittingly become accomplices who dig deeper and deeper.

  Female independence is not about rejecting men ’s love, but self-discipline

  "The Sister Who Rides the Wind and Waves" has not aired yet, which is reminiscent of the TV series "Lady's Character" that was once rushed to the top of the hot search list and conceived by netizens. The reason why this virtual episode of "Paint Success" has attracted much attention is that it echoes the fact that many people have truly got rid of the love of dog blood and parents, and talk about the free, self-disciplined, exquisite and independent life of middle-aged women. look forward to.

  In fact, it is not just middle-aged women. For women of all ages, freshness, agility, and self-identity should be praised and sought after, because it is not only about women, but also about human nature. If the middle-aged female entertainers do not have the freedom to face aging, then the "Houlang" can not escape the respect for "Xiao Baiyou"; if the wives and mothers cannot have the space to "be themselves" outside these identities, then they are young The girl is also destined to be unable to escape the shackles wrapped in honey; if you can't face a pure real life, you can't talk about gaining spiritual independence and broad cognition from the perspective of gender. The pavilions filled with illusions of "divine nature" piled up by "goddess" and "beauty" are surrounded by clouds and beautiful, attracting countless people to pursue and pursue.

  Although the illusion is an illusion after all, at least it looks sweet and charming. It may be more difficult to embrace the real life of women in the unreal world.

  Recently, the debater Yan Rujing suddenly became angry. In the variety show "I want to live like this", which focuses on living alone, she lifted up 2 liters of mineral water and irrigated it directly. The male goddess pillows were neatly arranged in the living room, and all kinds of ingredients and utensils in the kitchen were complete ... Yan Rujing and her living alone made many people shouting like a true portrayal of themselves. In another similar program, "Look at My Life", people are sad that She Shiman after the 70s eats supper without any scruples and still has a slim figure. Admiring Ma Sichun's law of life after the 80s is like scheduling a schedule, or watching In "Making Life Beautiful" Zheng Shuang, a "solitary newcomer", hastily nodded and tried his best to do everything.

  In "My Loneliness, My Ego: The Era of Single Women", Rebecca Trest said that in the era of single women, "single is not to reject men and love, but to promote one A full and autonomous life ";" Single Society "also tells people that" living alone and loneliness are not the same concept. " In these shows, women of different generations show the state of living alone is only a microcosm of a way of life, the focus is neither living alone and single, nor marriage and emotion, but how not to be surrounded by complicated voices, accept the true Self and wanted life.

  No matter what stage of life she is in, women can pursue their dreams. It is the common meaning of liking and loving themselves, and it is also the proper meaning of self-pleasure and self-healing. It is not life that has chosen me, but I have chosen life, calm and calm, confident and free, regardless of age and experience, all have their own light.

  Speaking back to the question of age, if you look forward to compliments like Duras ’s novel "Lover"-"You are now more beautiful than you were when you were young, the face of the girl you used to be is far less than the destroyed one today The face makes me like it more ", is a beautiful bubble that can't be expected, and is more familiar with Ye Zhi's sentence" Only I love the aging wrinkles on your forehead "is a kind of concealed comfort, it is better to admit that" most are "Good things are not firm", so there is no need to shout "Go to die after 20 years old", you can embrace this terrible, respectable and lovely life.

  No matter whether it is through the wind and waves, not only the "sisters", but you and me in the tide of the times have a long way to go. If you want to break old and create new nature, there are many obstacles. I only hope that the "Sister by the Wind and the Waves", which has been prepared to go against the wind, can really jump out of the comfort zone and use different grammars to describe and view the brightness and colorfulness of women. Don't let the expected "Rise of the Chinese Girl" become an attempt to "find the way for older actresses", that is not only the failure of the show, but also our failure.