China Weather News predicts that today (24th) Beijing will be mainly sunny to cloudy with a maximum temperature of 29 ℃. Tomorrow, the city's wind power will increase, with gusts up to level 6, while the temperature drops. In the next two days, Beijing will feel comfortable for most of the time. It will feel cooler in the morning and hotter in the afternoon. Please adjust the dress according to the temperature changes in time to prevent colds.

Beijing city weather forecast

Travel reference

Today's Living Weather Index

  Dressing Weather Index 6: Suitable for short-sleeved clothing today;

  Morning exercise meteorological index 2: It is more suitable for morning exercise;

  Cold weather index 2: The temperature difference between day and night is large, and colds are more likely to occur.

Weather outlook

  The weather in 26-30 Japan is expected to be mainly sunny to cloudy, with no obvious rainfall. During this period, the temperature first rises and then falls. The maximum temperature during the day is 28-34 ℃, and the minimum temperature at night is 15-21 ℃.

Life tips

  The temperature drops on the 25th, the wind is obvious during the day, and the wind is relatively strong for a short time. Please take appropriate precautions; most of the time, you feel comfortable, the cold in the morning, and the hot in the afternoon. Please adjust the dress according to the temperature change in time to prevent colds.