Sheikh Salem Al-Sheikhi, a member of the European Council for Fatwa and Research, during his hosting of the "Sharia and Life in Ramadan" episode on 23/5/2020), spoke about the commandments of morals in the Holy Quran, and the values ​​that Islam sought to instill in society. He added that the values ​​mean elevation, moderation, and integrity, and the system of values ​​means the standards that people agree upon and take as a measure of their behavior and lives.

He stressed that the values ​​are a balance and the people are measured according to these values, and the human person inherently maintains the values ​​that preserve society, and every society maximizes value through which it is evaluated, explaining that there is no value for any society that does not have any moral values, and Islamic values ​​are a system of values ​​that touch on all aspects Life is not devoted to one chapter and not another, and "the Muslim community maximizes religious values, and there are political values ​​related to freedom, dignity and political participation, in addition to supporting the oppressed and relief of the agitated, they are all values."

He continued that the primary criterion for choosing values ​​is their proximity to what God has prescribed for His servants, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, agreed on some pre-Islamic values, and adjusted to others, and rejected part of them, and the criterion in that was the proximity of this value and its purity, which God has legalized, and the revision and amendment of some impurities in Other values.

The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, talked about the value of the victory of the oppressed and said, peace and blessings be upon him, “Victory of your brother unjust or oppressed.” This was an ignorant habit. And the values ​​are either through divine laws or through the instinct of a Muslim.

Al-Sheikhi pointed out that the value has three basic components, which are its reality, the emotional component, and the behavioral component. Families must follow the implantation of correct values ​​in their children and revise them at intervals, and the movement of people within these values ​​must be in a state of ascension and not downward in order to preserve the values ​​from loss and distortion.

He noted that values ​​have a great impact on the behavior of the individual and society, and the desired benefit through the values ​​on the individual, being the true deterrent to him, and that society and the state have a role in preserving and imposing values. Al-Jazirah Guest pointed out that the value system is linked to feelings, behavior and convictions.