To restart Kanagawa Prefectural School from the 1st of next month When the declaration of emergency is canceled 0:07 on May 23

The Kanagawa Prefectural Board of Education has indicated that the prefectural school will restart from the first day of the next month if the emergency declaration is lifted by the end of this month, and the guidelines are given. For the time being, we will take measures to prevent infection, such as decentralized school attendance and staggered school attendance, and normal school attendance will begin from the end of August.

According to the guidelines compiled by the Prefectural Board of Education for restarting the school from the first day of the next month, we will attend the school for the first week or so for only the first day of each school year, and carry out a guidance school to explain how to proceed with future classes, In high schools and other places, one class will be divided in half for two to three days of distributed school during the three weeks from the beginning to the end of next month.

The number of people per classroom will be reduced to about 20 and the classes will be shortened.

After that, we will go to school every day for about two months, but we will continue the staggered school and shortened classes, and we will return to normal school from the end of August.

Although it is up to the school to decide how to shorten the summer vacation, it is required to shorten the holidays from 55 days to 60 days a year to 35 days to 40 days in order to secure learning opportunities, and reduce the number of holidays by about 20 days from the usual year. I am.

It is also assumed that club activities will be carried out in stages from the end of next month at high schools and the beginning of July at special needs schools.

Jiro Kiritani, the superintendent of education, said, “It is difficult for a school to have a single classroom, but it is a dense, close, and closed space, and it is difficult to return to a straightforward lifestyle. We will carefully prepare for the second and third waves. I want to continue. "

The prefectural board of education requires that the guidelines be provided to the municipalities and that elementary and junior high schools be reopened depending on the local circumstances.