The Sharia and Life Program in Ramadan (21/5/2020) The Islamic preacher Muhammad Al-Saghir hosted to talk about the jurisprudence of priorities, and he said that it is a section of jurisprudence and a science of Sharia law, and although the term was developed, its meaning is found in the Qur’an and Sunnah and books of jurisprudence and principles.

Al-Sagheer cited the Almighty’s saying: “You made the watering of the pilgrim and the architecture of the Sacred Mosque as someone who believed in God and the Last Day.”

In the same vein, the Almighty says: "They ask you about the sacred month, a fight in which there is less fighting in it, and repels from the path of God, disbelief in it, and the forbidden mosque, and taking its people out of it is greater with God, and the temptation is greater than killing." Whereas, the Qur’an clarifies priorities and ranks

Also, when the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was asked, he was keen on observing the place and prioritizing, so if they asked him, what is the best job? He is keen to observe the condition of the questioner and the general condition, and he says to the questioner: Prayer is due in time, and another responds with the parents ’righteousness, according to the situation in front of him.

He cited the order of priority in the Prophet’s Hadith: “Faith is a few seventy or sixty chapters, the best of which is to say there is no god but God, and the lowest is to remove harm from the road, and modesty is a division of faith.”

Al-Soghair explained that the jurisprudential and fundamentalist rules written by scholars observe this arrangement even if the term jurisprudence is not used directly. It was used to mean business and transfer positions from one situation to another. As they say, removing the damage should not cause greater harm, and paying the spoiler is up to the interest.