The book is an anthology where writers and cartoonists give their picture of the character Pippi and everything around her. It is about everything from what tracks she set in the fashion world to how she breaks conversational conventions.

- We tried to make a book that had many different perspectives as a starting point, both in form and content. Both use Pippi as a perspective to look at the world, and to look at Pippi from different perspectives, says Maina Arvas, editor of the book.

"She was really weird"

One of the writers is the 2016 Alma Award winner Meg Rosoff. In her text she writes about the first meeting with a new kind of fairy tale character.

- We had no translated books in the United States. All came from the English. So this strange figure from Sweden shows up, and she was really weird compared to other picture books. She looked strange, she behaved strangely, says Meg Rosoff, and continues:

- There was no American morality that "then she was a good little girl and lived happily in her days".

Want to pay tribute to Annika

The character Pippi is often contrasted with her friend Annika, who is described as a good girl. In her text Linda Skugge wants to pay tribute to Annika and writes about her relationship with the role of a good girl.

- It is supposed to be Annika, but then everyone else sits and says that Pippi is so good. So it becomes somewhat schizophrenic. I think it is something very good to be a good girl, and that it is sad to talk about it.

See more in the clip above.