[Commentary] General education has been implemented as a compulsory subject of independent high school in Hong Kong's middle schools for ten years. It has the same status as Chinese language, English language and mathematics. In a recent interview with reporters, the chairman of the Hong Kong Education Council, He Hanquan, made it clear that the Hong Kong Education Bureau should review the content of general education courses. At present, there are not many general textbooks that can be fair to students in contemporary China and Hong Kong today.

  【Explanation】 According to the information provided by the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the introduction of general education was to hope that students have a broad knowledge base, a high degree of adaptability, independent thinking and lifelong learning ability. He Hanquan believes that in general education, facts, reasoning, feelings, clear thinking, and guiding students to look forward are problems in each of these five educational steps.

  [Same period] He Hanquan, Chairman of Hong Kong Education Council

  I do n’t see many textbooks, so I can fairly let students know about contemporary China and Hong Kong today. Many liberal arts textbooks are talking about the bad side of China's central government, but they have gently taken the good side of it, even not mentioned it. It was originally intended to give students a comprehensive development direction through the liberal arts. However, some schools and teachers have just reversed the development and demonicization of the development of "one country".

  [Explanation] He Hanquan said that general education clearly lists the cultivation of critical ability as the course goal, but the knowledge base provided for this is not solid.

  [Same period] He Hanquan, Chairman of Hong Kong Education Council

  General Studies emphasizes the critical ability of students. This is the course goal. The content of the course is too bloated. If a senior one student can master the three major units and six major areas, then the broad and liberal arts (knowledge), if your knowledge level and fact base are not enough, there is no logic to go The basis for discerning the facts. These are untestable.

  [Commentary] A lot of college and middle school students went to the streets to participate in violent demonstrations in Hong Kong, which began in June 2019. He Hanquan said that the causes behind the storm are complex, but it must be recognized that problems in education are one of the main lines. A serious and comprehensive review of Hong Kong ’s education issues is a top priority. General education should teach students the correct understanding of the relationship between Hong Kong, the country and the world.

  [Same period] He Hanquan, Chairman of Hong Kong Education Council

  Liberal Studies should allow students to "communicate" Hong Kong, the country, and the world together in the discipline, rather than just criticize everything. The establishment of Liberal Studies at the beginning was to educate students on (correct) values. pickup. When we teach students (establish correct) personal positions and pass on their feelings to students, if we guide students to the idea of ​​"only one Hong Kong", but there is no country in them, then he (students) will not have the world In this way, there will be black holes for the growth of students' body and mind.

  Reporter Zhu Aili, Li Waner, Chen Haonan from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]