Be careful of accidental ingestion of pet dogs, cat masks and gauze! May 21, 2:33

The effects of the new coronavirus extend to pets kept at home. A veterinarian should be careful that there are many cases where dogs on a walk accidentally swallow a mask thrown on the street, or a cat swallows sewing needles etc. while making a mask at home. I am calling.

"As a new pattern, there was an example of erroneous eating of a mask that was not on the mask at home but on the walkway. Please be careful on the outside road, park etc when going for a walk."

I posted on Twitter Is Takayuki Kobuki, director of the Kumagaya Night Emergency Animal Hospital in Kumagaya, Saitama Prefecture.

According to Dr. Kobuki, there have been almost no cases where pet dogs and cats swallow the mask by mistake, but since the spread of the new coronavirus spread to various places, there are three consecutive medical examinations due to accidental ingestion of the mask and gauze. It is said that.

All of them were taken out with vomiting treatment, but it seems that intestinal obstruction may occur if the owner is unaware of the pet's abnormality.

Mr. Kobuki said, "The mask has a scent, and when the owner says" No! ", The dog may be happy and swallowed. Place the mask and gauze in a place where pets do not reach. I would like you to dispose of it in a trash can with a lid. There are many cases where you accidentally eat thrown away garbage, not just masks, so please be careful. ”

The Okinawa Prefectural Veterinary Association is calling for caution when making masks at home. From last month to this month, 9 cases of swallowing needles and threads and needles stuck in the legs occurred in total at the animal hospitals that belong to the Prefectural Veterinary Association. It means that some pets received it.

Shunichi Kudo, Chairman of the Prefectural Veterinary Association, said, “I expected that we would have more measures to deal with animals infected with the virus and the care required when the owner got infected, but I'm surprised that the impact would be completely different. If your pet drinks a foreign substance, you should immediately vomit it, but if you do not vomit, you can use the medicine in the hospital. I'm doubtful, so I'd like you to consult a hospital immediately. "