Recently, at an average elevation of 5373 meters, Puma Jiangtang Township, Langkazi County, Shannan City, Tibet, known as the "top of the world", has harvested vegetables and lettuce in a greenhouse in Puma Jiangtang Border Police Station.

  The annual average temperature in Puma Jiangtang Township is minus 7 ° C and the oxygen content is only 40% of that in the mainland. As the border police station with the highest altitude in China, for a long time, the policemen at the border police station in Puma Jiangtang had difficulty eating fresh vegetables. Later, they tried to grow vegetables in this "life restricted area". With the support of the detachment, they built two greenhouses, and also succeeded in learning to grow small cabbage, lettuce, pepper and other vegetables suitable for plateau growth. Since the police station planted greenhouse vegetables, the police have delivered vegetables to the people and schools in their jurisdiction every year. (Reporter He Penglei edited Chi Hanyu Video source: Puma Jiangtang Border Police Station)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]