American child actor Logan Williams died of drug abuse. 

According to the New York Post on the 15th (local time), Logan Williams died on the 2nd of last month at the age of 16.

Logan Williams' mother told the New York Post that "Logan died of fentanyl overdose. He suffered from addiction for three years."

"Logan started acting at the age of nine, but he complained of stress after going through many auditions. So, at the age of 13, he rested. At that time, he learned that his son smoked marijuana," he added.

Logan Williams' mother sent to the American treatment centers and Canadian treatment centers to treat her son's drug addiction.

But the situation got worse. Logan's mother said, "Logan is starting to take other drugs. I don't know when he started taking fentanyl."

Logan Williams played the role of young Barry Allen in the drama 'Flash'.    

(Reporter Ji-hye Kim, SBS funE)