A CAF panel (Illustation) - ALLILI MOURAD / SIPA

A boost expected by some households. The poorest families must receive this Friday exceptional assistance from the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), promised by the government at the start of the coronavirus crisis, confirmed Julien Denormandie, the Minister of Housing, at 20 Minutes this Friday. 

Mentioned by Emmanuel Macron, then confirmed by the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, on April 15, this aid should slightly relieve the finances of certain families, which were affected by this period of confinement.

Automatic help

Concretely, who is affected? Beneficiaries of the RSA and ASS (the specific solidarity allowance, paid to those who have exhausted their unemployment rights), parents who receive housing assistance or the lump sum return to work premium, but also beneficiaries of the Retirement Equivalent Allowance.

Each of them should receive 150 euros, plus an additional 100 euros per child. Payment is automatic, without any particular procedure. However, in the event of non-receipt, the persons concerned by this exceptional assistance are invited to contact their Caf. As Julien Denormandie explained to 20 Minutes , this Friday, four million families are affected by this aid, and five million children, for a total of 900 million euros.


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  • Society
  • Confinement
  • Help
  • Caf
  • Coronavirus
  • Rsa
  • Family allowances