Gagwoman Park Na-rae chose an electronics store employee who leaked her personal information.

Today (14th), Park Na-rae's agency said that Park Na-rae received an apology call from a Mart official about the leakage of personal information from an electronics store employee. .

He added, "I didn't want Narae Park to get bigger." 
On the 13th, an online community posted an article saying, "An electronics store employee leaked Park's personal information from a group chat room." It means that the store staff uploaded personal information such as Park Narae's home address and phone number to a group chat room with several people.

In the meantime, we uploaded the registration screen of Narae Park's sales acceptance screen covering the main information, the contents of the chat conversation, and the photo of the fact confirmation written by hand.

The author explained, "One reporter filed a complaint with the company about the incident, but the company tried to quietly overcome the problem."

The author added, "A large electronics store employee posted a post because he was reluctant to quietly pass on the behavior of releasing and performing celebrity information." 

(Photo = Narae Park Instagram, Nate version capture)