Addition of “power harassment” to labor accident certification criteria Committee of MHLW draft report May 14 6:32

Before the measures to prevent power harassment are being obliged to companies from next month onward, a committee formed by experts from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare proposed a report that adds power harassment to the criteria for recognition of occupational accidents.

A committee made up of experts from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has proceeded with examination of the criteria for recognizing mental illnesses such as suicide and depression due to overwork as occupational accidents, and presented a draft report.

According to that, considering that measures to prevent power harassment are obligatory for large companies from next month, and for small and medium-sized companies from next year, power harassment will be added to one of the items that judge the psychological burden of the certification criteria. is.

In addition, it was judged that there was a strong psychological burden when the boss received assault that required treatment, denial of personality and humanity, and severe scolding for a longer period than necessary. I am doing it.

In addition, even if you consult with the company and there is no appropriate response, and if it does not improve, we will judge that the psychological burden is strong.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will soon put together a report based on the opinions of experts and hopes to start the operation of the new certification standard from next month.