In an interview with "Télé-loisirs", Nicolas Puydebat, one of the actors in the famous sitcom "Hélène et les chats", explained the floor to a spin-off developed around the male cast of the original series.

Viewers can follow their adventures since 1992. After Hélène and the boys , The miracle of love , The holidays of love and The mysteries of love , should we expect a new declination in love with the sitcom launched by AB Productions? In any case, this seems to be emerging. Patrick Puydebat, the actor who plays Nicolas in the series, explained to our colleagues at Télé-loisirs that he wanted to launch a new concept.

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This time, Hélène and her friends will no longer be at the center of the plot. The boys decided to free themselves. Patrick Puydebat indicates working on a series focused solely on boys: Cricri, Peter, José and Jimmy. "We are a nice bunch of friends in life, we love to tour together and we wanted to offer something else," said the 48-year-old actor at Télé-loisirs. 

According to Patrick Puydebat, the pilot is already written, has yet to find a producer and a chain.