In order to earn pocket money, actively "sell" identity information
scam to renovate the university's generated card seller in the eyes of "sweet meat"

  On December 11, 2019, Li Ming (pseudonym), a 21-year-old Hangzhou boy in Zhejiang, did not expect that he would be called to the police station to be questioned by the Wuxi police in Jiangsu.

  As early as a month ago, the public security organ in Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province received a report from a local citizen, saying that he had received a fraudulent call and was defrauded of more than 20 million yuan through online banking.

  After investigation, the criminals committed crimes abroad, and the funds of the parties were defrauded and flowed into domestic bank accounts from multiple sources. Li Ming's bank card account is one of them.

  A reporter from the China Youth Daily and China Youth Network learned that an Internet trading black and gray production river and lake has formed a "four-piece suit" for buying and selling bank cards (generally referring to bank cards, correspondingly bound mobile phone cards, ID cards and U-Shields- —Reporter's Note) The chained and systematic crime “industrial chain”, and the group of college students is located at the most upstream of the industrial chain.

150 yuan to receive a bank savings card

  Last October, at more than 5 pm, Li Ming, a sophomore at a vocational and technical college in Zhejiang, bored on his cellphone in his dorm room. By the way, he browsed part-time information and prepared to earn some living expenses. He spent almost all his living expenses during the National Day holiday. In a qq part-time group in the school, a netizen posted part-time information, which made people look high-paying and save trouble. The netizen recruited college students to work part-time to apply for a card, and bought a new bank savings card for 150 yuan. Each person can apply for 3 cards a day.

  You can exchange some money with 3 bank cards! Li Ming, who has always been addicted to online games, is very moved. Early the next morning, he added the netizen's WeChat. He inquired about the purpose of the card application, and the other party explained that the card application is used for shopping on the shopping website, as well as the live broadcast of gifts.

  In order to dispel Li Ming's doubts, the other party added: "If you are afraid of an accident, you can cancel the bank card after 3 months, and we can sign a lease agreement."

  Later, Li Ming looked at the "Lease of Bank Account Agreement" sent by the other party: Party A sold the bank savings card to Party B, and Party A could not use it within three months, nor could it report loss, cancel, or replace the card. Party B will pay Party A 150 yuan.

  Li Ming felt that there was no trap in the agreement and agreed to apply for a card. The two then agreed on the time, place and contact information.

  At 10:30 the next morning, Li Ming contacted a man named "Daniel". "Da Niu" asked Li Ming to go to the mobile business office to get a phone card. The new bank card registration information should reserve this new mobile phone number.

  "Daniel" asked Li Ming which banks did not have a bank card, and then "Daniel" led him to the nearby Postal Savings Bank. At that time, "Daniel" did not enter the bank, just waiting for Li Ming at the door of the bank. Before entering the bank, "Daniel" specifically instructed: "Must open online banking and U shield, bank card password must use the specified number."

  At about 12:30, Li Ming had the first bank card ready. Because there are still classes in the afternoon, the two parties agreed to do the remaining bank cards next time. Subsequently, "Daniel" produced a printed "Lease Bank Account Agreement." Let Li Ming sign and both sides pressed the fingerprint.

  After signing the agreement, "Daniel" said: "One card is 150 yuan, and the subsidy is 10 yuan for the transportation fee." Then, Daniel asked Li Ming for his ID card to take pictures, which made Li Ming suspicious.

  "Daniel" explained that this is to verify identity. "I didn't figure out exactly why I verified my identity." Li Ming said. At that time, he returned to school in a hurry, and gave the photo of the ID card to "Daniel".

  Before returning to school, Li Ming handed over the newly created postal savings card, U-shield and phone card to "Daniel".

  "Daniel" also checked Li Ming's mobile phone and determined that Li Ming's Alipay, WeChat and bank card app did not bundle a new bank card before letting him leave.

  At 12 noon on October 14th, Li Ming once again contacted the last netizen by phone, saying that he could still get two more bank cards. The other party said: Now the bank card has risen to 200 yuan.

  This time, the other party prepared a Unicom mobile phone card, so that the new bank card reserved this mobile phone number. Subsequently, Li Mingxin set up the bank cards of Shaoxing Bank and China Construction Bank, and gave the savings card and U shield to each other. As before, the two parties signed a "Lease Bank Account Agreement". This time, the other party transferred 410 yuan, of which 10 yuan was for transportation.

The card dealers behind the "four-piece suit"

  In fact, Li Ming is just one of the college students who was cheated. The Wuxi police investigation found that "Da Niu" and others in Hebei, Tianjin, Zhejiang and other places were looking for someone to handle the "four-piece suit" such as bank cards. The targets of their “four-piece suits” are generally young people with weak legal awareness and no income.

  At the end of August last year, a young man from Gansu, Wang Qiang (pseudonym), saw in the WeChat part-time group of temporary workers that a self-proclaimed person posted an advertisement for a bank card, and the price for a "four-piece set" was 450 yuan. Subsequently, he applied for two bank cards, and the other party gave 900 yuan.

  Two months later, Wang Qiang once again saw someone posting an advertisement in the WeChat part-time group, and then someone discussed: criminal activities such as online gambling use these bank cards to launder money. After searching the Internet, he found that "the money is not clean." Through a series of operations, Wang Qiang binds the bank card to the mobile phone related account.

  What makes Wang Qiang remember deeply is that at more than 6pm on November 20 last year, his Agricultural Bank of China account sent a lot of information at once, "After several consecutive receipts, there will be several outgoings." In the end, a total of 350,000 yuan was entered, and 50,000 yuan was entered each time. Afterwards, his Industrial and Commercial Bank of China account also received news of the account, with a total of 30,000 yuan.

  A few days ago, a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily retrieved the "four-piece set" online and contacted many sellers. A seller's asking price is 2500 yuan.

  Another seller said that the "four-piece set" sells for 800 yuan for 3 months and provides a copy of the real ID card. "Guarantee that there will be no loss for 3 months. I will check again before sending it. No third party is bound. After 3 months, you have to continue to provide the 'four-piece set', or 800 yuan for 3 months."

  On January 19 this year, the People ’s Procuratorate of Binhu District of Wuxi City formally approved the arrest of Shumou, Zhaomouchen and Zhaomouwei who resell bank cards to foreign criminals. Among them, "Daniel" and others are the criminal gangs that Shu Mou specifically looked for to handle bank cards.

  According to a police investigation, the purchase of bank cards presents a pimp purchase model. The "four-piece set" of bank cards is usually 200 yuan per set at the time of acquisition, but in the process of resale, the price is increased layer by layer, and finally the real buyer can sell up to 3,000 yuan per set.

There is a legal risk in selling bank cards for the sake of small profits

  Prosecutor Wang Maocai, People ’s Procuratorate of Binhu District, Wuxi City, introduced that many of the “four-piece suits” submitted to bank cards are college students. Bank card black sellers often enter the students through part-time groups, tempting students with easy, high salary, part-time work, each card pays a fee ranging from 150-200 yuan. Some college students simply gave ID cards and other information to scammers just to get more money for online shopping, consumption or playing games in Internet cafes, and even there was a phenomenon of group cheating in dormitory units.

  Why do college students become "sweet and sour" in the eyes of bank card black sellers?

  Wang Maocai said, first of all, college students have no bad credit records, and the bank cards they handle are also clean white cards, which is more conducive to the transfer of unknown funds. Secondly, the large group of college students, with a large base, greatly increases the possibility of being deceived, and the college students have insufficient social experience, simple thinking, and easy to believe in others.

  "Now part-time fraud methods are constantly being updated, and there are a variety of ways. In the final analysis, they all use the victim's psychology of seeking benefit and avoiding harm and credulity to paralyze the victim to commit criminal activities." Wang Maocai reminded the majority of college students that bank cards belong to the real-name system, not Commodities, illegal trading will constitute a crime. "Selling your bank card for the sake of small profits will bring huge legal risks to yourself and cause double damage to personal credit and property."

  Lawyer Fan Guomin of Jiangsu Nuo Law Firm believes that, according to the provisions of Article 45 of the "Administrative Measures on RMB Bank Settlement Accounts" promulgated by the People's Bank of China on April 10, 2003, depositors shall not lease or lend bank settlement accounts. Use bank settlement accounts to draw bank credit. "So leasing and lending bank accounts is a typical violation of financial management regulations. For non-operating depositors who have the above behavior, they will be given a warning and imposed a fine of 1,000 yuan."

  Fan Guomin pointed out that, according to regulations, units and individuals have leased, lent, sold, purchased bank accounts or paid accounts, and the public security organs have determined that the bank account will suspend their online banking, mobile banking, and telephone banking within 5 years. Non-counter business such as ATM, Alipay, Tenpay and other payment institutions will also suspend all business of their payment accounts within 5 years.

  In addition, all banking institutions and payment institutions will not open new bank accounts or payment accounts for them within 3 years. In addition, the above behavior will also be recorded in the personal credit report and may be suspected of constituting the crime of helping information network criminal activities and the crime of obstructing credit card management as stipulated in China's Criminal Law.

  In addition, Wang Maocai also stated that bank cards are not idle and should be kept properly. Bank cards that are not in use should be cancelled in time, not discarded at will, and not transferred or sold.

  Wang Maocai suggested that college students should overcome the idea of ​​"greed" and believe that there will be no pie in the sky. If they want to do part-time subsidies to subsidize their living expenses, they should find a regular platform instead of always thinking about getting nothing for nothing. The so-called part-time job of recruiting office cards appearing on the Internet, as well as part-time jobs where you can sit in front of your computer and use your fingers to "get a monthly income of over 10,000" can basically be regarded as a scam.

  China Youth Daily · China Youth Daily reporter Li Chao Correspondent Lu Baojie Du Yan Source: China Youth Daily