Amidst the violent harassment of an apartment resident, the shocking story that the apartment security guard made an extreme choice provoked a public outrage, and the claims that assaults and sudden inhabitants were entertainers are attracting attention.

Choi Mo, who worked as a security guard in an apartment in Seoul, was assaulted by Resident A and suffered a broken nose. Although she has been in the hospital since last week and has been treated, she has been exposed to Mr. A's continued violence and resignation pressure, and has made an extreme choice by striving on the 13th floor of his home apartment.

Mr. A's story was further spread through articles written by the Blue House National Petition and the Internet community bulletin board of the apartment residents he worked for.

One resident said on the bulletin board of the National Petition, "As I heard a yell in the parking lot on the 3rd of the past, the guard was holding his injured nose with his hand." Residents were asked to treat and report security guards. "

In another article written on the Internet, another villager said, "As on the 27th of last month, A followed the security guard who entered the bathroom in the guard room and grabbed his head and assaulted him." I tried to leave it to you, but it was a mistake. Keep in mind that apology and apology for the deceased are the only ways you can live.

※ If you have a hard time to talk about, such as depression, or if you have a family member or acquaintance who has such difficulties around you, call the suicide prevention hotline ☎1577-0199, phone of hope ☎129, phone of life ☎1588-9191, youth phone ☎1388 You can receive consultation.

(SBS funE reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)