“Verywellhealth” purchased some foods that cause dry mouth during Ramadan, which we recommend avoiding


Lemon offers many benefits to the body, the most important of which is strengthening immunity, and despite its benefits, excessive intake increases the chances of dry mouth, so the symptoms such as mouth ulcers and feeling of throat pain increase, thus avoiding excessive intake, and lemon juice can be replaced with juices such as apples Bananas are less acidic and increase immunity.


Tomato is one of the acidic foods that affect the secretion of saliva, and thus reduces the chances of moisturizing the mouth and causing dehydration, and tomatoes are a double-edged weapon as they contain a proportion of potassium that contributes to moisturizing the body in general, but excessive intake leads to dry mouth.

Crunchy fries

Crunchy potatoes are a type of carbohydrates, rich in sugars, but high levels of sugars provoke the ability of saliva to do all its functions, due to the presence of an enzyme in saliva whose function is to break down sugars, and convert it into glucose for absorption in the body, and after making an effort with sugars saliva has difficulty moisturizing the mouth.


Some do not dispense with pickles either at breakfast or suhoor, and despite this, pickles increase irritation of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity, due to the salt that contains a high percentage of sodium, which leads to a decrease in saliva production to moisturize the mouth, and some accompanying symptoms such as feeling pain Difficulty eating food.

-Chili pepper

Hot peppers and spicy foods are generally considered irritating to saliva, because it affects the lack of saliva production and, consequently, the difficulty of mouth rinsing, as saliva functions as providing protection for the lining of the mouth.