China News Service, Jixi, May 8 (Hao Dong, Wang Nina) Before rice planting, seedlings and seedlings are raised, but now, in Hulin City, Heilongjiang Province, farmers innovate rice planting methods and adopt dry land direct seeding, saving labor, time and effort. And save water and increase efficiency. One mu of land can save more than 200 yuan of planting costs.

  Heilongjiang Province is a major province of japonica rice cultivation in China, with the planting area ranking first in the country for many years. On May 8 this year, a "dry seeding" machine was being planted in the paddy field of Cheng Youdong, a farmer in Fuxian Village, Dongfanghong Town, Hulin City.

  Cheng Youdong's family has 400 acres of paddy field. Previously, paddy fields were used to transplant rice seedlings. This year, all of them were planted with drought. Drought direct seeding is the direct sowing of rice seeds in the field without raising seedlings, without soaking the fields, let alone transplanting seedlings, saving time and effort while greatly reducing labor costs. Shallowly loosening the ground, seeding the ground, and covering the thin soil, these processes were quickly completed by a fully automatic seeding machine. In previous years, the traditional rice transplanting planting took nearly a month to complete, and this year, his family used all the dry rice planting, which took only 6 days to complete the planting.

Drought live broadcast is to plant rice seeds directly in the field Hao Dongshe

  Cheng Youdong said: "My family used to plant seedlings in this field, which cost too much, about 500 yuan per mu. Last year, I experimented through drought direct seeding. Only 300 yuan per mu was used, and it saves labor and time. It's very labor-saving. This year, I have adopted the planting technology of dry direct seeding on my land of more than 400 acres, which will save about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. "

  Compared with traditional planting methods, rice drought direct seeding can save 1/4 of water and 1/3 of labor, and can reduce the input of about 200 yuan per mu of rice. Rice drought direct seeding saves water and labor, but it does weeding in the early stage and later stage. The requirements are very high. Fu Jixin, a farmer's scientific and technological inventor in Hulin City, has worked hard for 8 years to overcome the problems of agronomy technology. After several years of experimentation and improvement, the current yield per mu of dry land has been stabilized at about 1200 kg, which is almost the same as the traditional method of planting rice seedlings.

  Fu Jixin, inventor of rice drought live broadcasting in Hulin City, said: "The biggest feature of our rice drought live broadcasting is water saving. Conventional rice requires 600 to 800 cubic meters of water per mu, while we only need 500 cubic meters of water. The water saving is significant. Another feature is that it saves a lot of labor and mechanizes the whole process, which reduces the labor intensity of laborers. "(End)