Request for suspension of business 8 prefectures cancel all industries Some industries are 17 prefectures Summary by prefecture May 7 18:11

Regarding the request for leave due to the spread of new coronavirus infection, NHK has summarized the correspondence of each prefecture through broadcasting stations in each region.

After requesting measures to prevent infection,
it was decided to cancel ▽ for all industries in 8 prefectures
▽ for some industries in 17 prefectures
▽ decided to continue the request 20 It was a prefecture.
Okayama Prefecture and Tokushima Prefecture do not request leave.

The eight prefectures that have decided to cancel all industries are Aomori prefecture, Iwate prefecture, Miyagi prefecture, Tottori prefecture, Shimane prefecture, Kagawa prefecture, Kochi prefecture, and Miyazaki prefecture.
Miyazaki prefecture starts on Monday 11th, and the other seven prefectures start on 7th.

Of the 17 prefectures that have decided to cancel some industries, those that will be canceled from the 7th are Akita prefecture, Niigata prefecture, Yamanashi prefecture, Nagano prefecture, Shizuoka prefecture, Mie prefecture, Wakayama prefecture, Yamaguchi prefecture, Saga prefecture, Nagasaki prefecture, Kumamoto prefecture, and Kagoshima prefecture.

Also, Tochigi prefecture, Toyama prefecture, Fukui prefecture, Shiga prefecture, and Hiroshima prefecture are from Monday 11th.

Although more than half of the local governments across the country are moving to cancel or relax, 40% of local governments are cautious about lifting.