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Walking is, now more than ever, the perfect activity to lose weight . In the midst of de-escalation, with muscles and joints 'just out' of two months of confinement in which we have barely moved, walking is an ideal exercise with little impact and many benefits .

Less demanding cardiovascular and articularly than running, smart walking - a marketinian name for the walk of a lifetime - has become an alternative to the race that has more followers every day.

Contrary to popular belief, the other big difference between one and the other does not lie in the knees. According to a study carried out by researchers from North Carolina State University (United States), while the ankles are our main drivers during running, when walking it is the hip that makes the most wear.

What should that walk be like to really score as exercise? "Preferably, at a moderate intensity, but vigorous. That is, that we walk fast but at a pace that allows us to carry on a conversation without drowning," explains David Ministral, Nordic walking coach in Assari (Madrid). That is, walking around looking at shop windows or mobile phones, in addition to being inadvisable due to stumbling blocks, is useless.

Gabriela Grande, personal trainer, details the benefits of a good walk: "Walking for a minimum of 30 minutes a day is a very valuable exercise for our body. If we extend the time to one hour and add some variations, we will also be able to improve considerably our state of form and lose weight ".

How can we get the most out of a walk to lose weight ? Here are some tips:

DISTANCE: The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that we complete 10,000 steps (about eight kilometers) daily in order to be physically fit, but to lose weight we would have to reach 15,000 (almost 11 kilometers).

TIME: It is more interesting to walk at a higher speed for less time than to slow down for a longer time. Ten minutes can be very effective if used well.

POSTURE: Walk upright, shoulders back and relaxed. The secret to achieving this is to keep the scapular area and abdomen activated. Look straight ahead and keep your chin off your neck to avoid contractures.

FOOTPRINT: Seeks maximum efficiency at each step. Rest your foot on the heel, slide it through the arch to finish propelling yourself with your toes.

ABDOMEN : Activates the deep abdominal muscles, It is about putting in guts, making them hard, as if you were going to protect yourself from a blow. In this way, you will burn more fat and tone your 'six pack'. '

BRACEO : The ideal would be to keep the arms flexed at a 90 degree angle and, thus, move them back and forth alternately. Dropping them will not only hinder your movements and slow your progress, but it can cause your hands to swell.

BUTTOCKS: Walking at a vigorous pace is a great exercise to tighten your butt muscles. Take advantage of each stride to bring them together and tighten them to the fullest, concentrating the most intense work on the left leg.

ACTIVITY BRACELET: You know, the goal is to take a minimum of 10,000 steps. Also pay attention to the messages his heart sends you. Keep an eye on your device to check when it is in the calorie burning zone and try to stay in it, without exceeding your limits.

INTERVALS: If you see yourself with force to increase the intensity, put variations in your training. Combine higher speed peaks - even jogging - with slower periods to catch your breath.

EQUIPMENT: One of the great advantages of walking is that it is a cheap physical activity. To practice it, you only need some good shoes, with a correct cushioning and lateral reinforcements. It is also important to wear technical clothing so that it favors a correct perspiration.

INTENSITY : Climbing hills not only increases our heart rate, increasing calorie burn, but also helps to strengthen the glutes and the back of the thighs and calves.

WITH WEIGHT: If you are looking to do more intense work, put extra weight on your training, but forget about weighted ankles because they can damage your joints. Instead, experts recommend the use of vests or backpacks. Another valid option would be to walk with two light dumbbells in each hand.

CANES: Walking with Nordic poles will help you set the pace and improve your posture. Eminently aerobic discipline, which increases the pulsations, improving cardiovascular resistance and promoting calorie burning, the use of poles, in addition, allows to perform, at the same time, a very effective strength work. With a single activity you will mobilize 90% of the muscles of the body (it is calculated that in sports as complete as swimming it reaches 65%), activating especially the upper body (shoulders, arms and 'core').

HYDRATION : It is essential to drink before the sensation of thirst appears.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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