May 5 is Lixia in China's twenty-four solar terms. On this day, there will be different customs everywhere. In Chongqing, the custom of "lixia people" was established.

  Gu Shiyun: "The Lixia scales weigh lightly and the scales hang on the beams." People hang up a large wooden scale, the scale hook hangs the weighing pan, and everyone takes turns to sit on the pan to weigh. The reporter saw in a small town of Fuling in Chongqing that a wooden scale weighing more than one meter attracted the public's attention. The scale can weigh 200 kilograms. The public sits in the weighing pan, the weigher moves the scale, and after the scale is balanced, the weight can be determined.

  The custom of weighing Lixia flourished in the south. It is said that after weighing on the day of Lixia, it is not afraid of the summer heat and will not lose weight. People hope to increase their happiness and prosperity through this move.

  (Reporter Jia Nan edits Xiao Zihe)

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]