Previously, it was required that a movie must be shown at the cinema for seven days in order to be nominated for a Gold Beetle. Now it opens to the fact that a movie that has only been streamed can be nominated provided it meets the other requirements.

For example, feature films must be over 60 minutes and the film must be reviewed by at least five of fifteen selected sources.

Fewer movies

Christina Preisler Schedin, director of the Film and Society department at the Film Institute, says that the decision was made before the Oscars announcement last night.

- You can report your movie even if it has not had a cinema premiere, just like for cinema-launched film. If movies are streamed but still reviewed, then it can be nominated, she says.

On the other hand, there will be fewer films fighting for the baggies for the 2020 film year.

- We think there will be fewer people who sign up, but the last date is 15 November. Before the summer we usually have a viewing weekend for the jury, but we have postponed all jury work this fall, says Christina Preisler Schedin.