Personnel sensations disappeared not only from domestic life, but from the life of other countries, although it is clear that there are plenty of reasons for organizational conclusions everywhere. But this case does not fit the moment - and so sick.

But universal patterns do not apply to Ukraine. As before, she lives in a fantastic Gogol world - “Some Sysa Pafnutievich and Macdonald Karlovich showed up, which had never been heard of before” and were called upon to carry out a reform movement along the European path. In the present case, Mikheil Nikolozovich Saakashvili appeared. True, it was already heard about him, and even a lot, but the benefits for the Ukrainian statehood from him are about the same as from Sysoy Pafnutievich.

Nevertheless, it has already been announced that he was called up for the post of deputy prime minister for reform. Saakashvili managed to tell how he would negotiate with the IMF, said that Russia was intriguing against his appointment, then, however, the unremarkable Saakashvili shared his plans on how to establish peaceful and friendly relations with Russia, when suddenly the reforms stopped before they started.

It was reported that there were not enough votes for Saakashvili in the Rada, because even in the presidential party "Servant of the People" not everyone was ready to vote for him, and in other factions of the Rada there were even fewer Saakashvili lovers, because he managed to inherit it everywhere. Prime Minister Shmygal, according to media reports, refused to introduce to Rada the idea of ​​appointing Saakashvili as the main reformer, President Zelensky went into the bushes and was silent, like partisans during interrogation.

The head of the “Servant of the People” faction, David Arahamia, symbolizing the unity of Georgia and Ukraine, threatened Georgian officials who were unhappy that they wanted to appoint a convicted criminal in Georgia as deputy prime minister. Along the way, optimistic Arahamia said that the number of deputies wishing to vote for the reformer is growing every hour.

The hero of the occasion himself remained cheerful, reporting that “He annoyed not only Putin, but also the class of corrupt officials and kleptocrats from Vladivostok to Chernivtsi,” so any chance that Saakashvili will be in power will be a disaster for his opponents. That is, "let them grind, let them tremble."

He did a terrible thing to scandalosa, moreover, when his appointment was still written with a pitchfork.

Of course, Mikhail Nikolaevich is obligatory for noise and gevalt, remember that he got up in Ukraine in his previous incarnations, but this does not make it clearer why he was pulled out of naphthalene at all, who needed it.

If we consider him as an independent demiurge, recalling the legend of Saakashvili-Prometheus, who transformed Colchis (even the book was popular with our liberals - “Why Georgia succeeded”), then with the most benevolent attitude to the character, three factors should be noted that helped him in zero years and missing now:

a) he was the first person in Georgia to have a mandate from the people;

b) Georgia was suffocating from grassroots corruption and was ready to treat dandruff with a guillotine, as long as poverty and endless requisitions ended;

c) the thesis “the West will help us” was still new, and people believed in it.

Today, Saakashvili is not the first person in Ukraine, and not even the tenth. Moreover, his name and biography do not quite correspond to the slogan “Know, stranger, here is the Ukrainian ruler!”. And people are arranged in such a way that they prefer to take a bitter pill (sweets are long over) from the hands of a fellow tribesman. Moreover, there are already many strangers who reign supreme in Ukraine, and their reputation is not very good. The West has already helped Ukraine so much that it is possible to perform the same song for the 257th time, only it will be of little use. And they can boo.

Finally, Georgia in 2004 reached the condition when “the fire is not afraid of the dead” (and the reforms too), Ukraine, apparently, has not yet reached. Hence the rather skeptical reaction to the new (although not quite completed) appointment.

Finally, throughout his career, Saakashvili has consistently betrayed everyone - from Shevardnadze to Poroshenko. And well, if only betrayed. Georgian Prime Minister Zhvania went wild with an Iranian-made portable gas stove, and the case of the burn contained a lot of details, suggesting various bad thoughts.

And now that which he will betray at the first opportunity is undoubtedly, and everyone understands this, starting with Zelensky. But what benefits will bring its cartridge (and, by the way, who is this cartridge?) Is a big question.

It seems that when the Ukrainian notables began to think about all this, it dawned on them that with the new coming of Saakashvili to power it would be exactly the same - “There is a lot of squealing, but not enough wool.” After that, the process of the triumphal rise of Prometheus to new heights of power was bewitched.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.