China News Service, Huzhou, April 28 (Reporter Shi Zinan correspondent Ren Qian) in Panlinan Village, Xiaopu Town, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province. Husband Pan Shoushan is 83 years old this year, and his wife Wu Baozhu is 77 years old. He has a first-degree physical disability and is paralyzed in bed.

  During the ten years when his wife was paralyzed, Pan Shoushan took care of her every day, basically pushing her out for a walk in a wheelchair every day. No matter what, Pan Shoushan will push his wife together in a wheelchair. Between them, there are no earth-shattering oaths, but there are so many days of each other.

A photo of Pan Shoushan and Wu Baozhu

  Pan Shoushan and his wife have been married for more than 50 years. Originally, they had two sons and one daughter. They lived an ordinary and happy life like other couples. Unfortunately for the family, more than ten years ago, a serious illness claimed the life of the eldest son. In order not to put a burden on other children, the couple was introduced by relatives to work as a cleaner in a community in Changxing County, with enough income to feed themselves.

  The misfortune is not alone. In the third year of the death of his eldest son, his wife Wu Baozhu suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. After rescued to save his life, his lower limb was paralyzed. When his son died and his wife was paralyzed, Pan Shoushan, who was already in his seventies at that time, used the thin shoulders of the elderly to provoke the responsibility and duty of being a husband.

  After getting up in the morning, Pan Shoushan cleaned himself, helped his wife to organize her clothes, washed her with water, and then helped her wife in a wheelchair and pushed her to the kitchen to prepare breakfast with herself. Not only that, he usually pushes his wife together whether he is growing vegetables in the vegetable garden or shopping in the market town.

  The company of accompany and care at all times may not seem necessary to ordinary people, but Pan Shoushan has always insisted.

  "At the beginning, I also felt very tired. Sometimes the wheelchair could not move, but I got used to it after a long time." Pan Shoushan said, "Although my wife can only look around, I can talk to her, It ’s better than staying alone in the room with her cranky. "

  In the evening, after taking good care of his wife, Pan Shoushan will give her half a bucket of hot water to soak her feet and massage her leg muscles, dreaming that his wife's legs will be better. With his perseverance, his wife's legs have indeed improved, and now he can stand up holding the wheelchair armrest. Although he can't take steps, it is better than sitting all the time.

  "'As long as I live for a day, I will take care of you for a day', this is the most words he has said to me for so many years, and also the greatest encouragement and hope to support me to live." Wife Wu Baozhu said bluntly in the first days Here, her heart is ashamed, it is Pan Shoushan's affection and responsibility to make her reborn.

  A simple sentence is Pan Shoushan's promise and waiting to his wife. With 56 years of life together, and 10 years of meticulous care, Pan Shoushan interpreted the true meaning of "holding the hand and growing up with the child" with deep affection.

  Today, Pan Shoushan is 83 years old and still persists every day. As he said, "As long as I live a day, I will take care of you for a day." (End)