3 months old baby died on the bed, what kind of sleeping position does the baby need?

  Our reporter Zhang Yun Zhang Jingyang

  Recently, a news that "scientific sleep methods have caused babies to suffocate" has caused widespread concern: a novice mother asked a question in "a paid sleep guidance group", saying that the child has been crying when turning over and sleeping on the ground, asking the teacher in the group for help . "Teacher" responded "It's okay not to cry", but after about two hours, the child's lips turned purple and eventually died.

  The tragedy happened to make people feel sorry for their heartache, and it also triggered a discussion about whether to advocate independent sleep training for babies. Are these "scientific" parenting training really scientific? What kind of sleeping position does the baby need? At what stage do babies need to train for independent sleep? How can we prevent infants from sleep apnea? The reporter of Science and Technology Daily asked the relevant experts in the industry for verification.

Babies should change their sleeping position frequently to prevent suffocation

  The baby is almost lying down from morning till night. What kind of sleeping position is beneficial to the baby's health is a problem that cannot be ignored.

  Cao Haixia, director of the Department of Pediatrics and Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University, said that sleeping posture directly affects the growth and health of newborns. It should not change the sleeping posture and change the posture frequently, and change the sleeping posture.

  "The baby's sleeping position is mainly determined by the caregiver. The general Chinese's habit is to let the child lie down on the head as early as possible. Therefore, they usually take a supine position, and also use pillows, quilts, cushions and other objects to fix their sleeping position. Scientific. The habit of Europeans and Americans is to let the child prone, thinking that this does not affect the growth and development of the child ’s brain, which has a certain scientific reason, but on the other hand, due to carelessness, the rate of suffocation and death is also high "" Cao Haixia said.

  Cao Haixia introduced that the correct way is to often turn over for the baby, change the posture, change the sleeping posture, after lying on the side, do not lie on your back, so as not to spit milk. When lying on the left and right sides, be careful not to press the child's ear wheel forward, otherwise the ear wheel will often be deformed by folding. Sleeping in the lateral lying position not only compresses vital organs excessively, but also facilitates muscle relaxation. In case the baby does not choke into the trachea, it is a kind of sleeping posture that should be promoted. But the baby's skull seam has not been completely closed. If he sleeps in one direction all the time, he or she may deform the skull. For example, long-term supine will make the child's head shape flat, long-term lateral position will make the child's head shape skew, which will affect the appearance of the instrument.

  It is worth mentioning that parents should scientifically and rationally define the concept of "baby has sleep problems", and can not take sleep problems and infant health problems into account and self-press. As pointed out by Wang Shiyunyue, CTO of a domestic infant and child sleep consulting professional organization, in fact, what we often say about infant sleep problems can only be called behavioral sleep problems, which is very different from true pathological sleep disorders.

It is recommended to carry out sleep training in 4 to 6 months

  In fact, cultivating children to sleep independently is a "mission" that infants and young children need to complete in their growth. The question is, when is the most appropriate time for a child to accept and complete this mission?

  Cao Haixia believes that many mothers advocate letting babies sleep alone as early as possible, and even letting babies sleep alone from birth, which not only cultivates independence, but also does not disturb yourself to sleep peacefully. But when it is really implemented like this, the mother is more tired. A baby who could have reached out and patted and continued to sleep, instead needed to go to another room and spend more time comforting to sleep. Babies wake up more often.

  Most childcare experts recommend that parents start sleep training when their baby is 4 to 6 months old. Cao Haixia said that when the baby is about 4 months old, he basically already has more regular sleeping habits and the ability to sleep and sleep. Of course, some babies cannot sleep after 1 year old, so they are born to sleep There is an individual difference in perception among babies.

  "From birth to 3 years of age, the baby does not need independence, but to maximize the attachment to his parents. Dr. Sears criticized the infant sleep training method in the" Intimate Parenting Encyclopedia "to encourage mothers to sleep with the baby. The baby needs to sleep next to his mother at night, he needs to hear his mother's heartbeat, smell his mother's body odor, and feel the warmth of his mother's skin, so as to gain a sense of security in order to sleep more peacefully. "Cao Haixia said.