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bustling 239: It's not that stupid anymore… 'Anyway, plants'

Lives every day with a mixture of things that grow easily and those that grow no matter how hard you try.
These two are like candy and powdered medicine that life is grasping.
-"Anyway, how about plants

?" Does life keep giving you candy? Do you keep bitter powder in my mouth?
I hope the crowd is a small star candy for you.

Suddenly, if you look at the old photos of people smiling and wearing masks in a lot of places, something was awkward. Luckily, the number of confirmed people decreased this week, but we are all vigilant and hope this trend will continue.

Not long ago, when I was on the phone with my sister who became a close contact and self-isolation, I came across this. "I've been sequestered, the house had to be a little wider." right. We have a yard, like a Hollywood star, we have a swimming pool, and we are not self-isolating in that mansion. Besides wanting to make the house a little bigger, I have another savings. I want to have a lot of plants in my house. During the corona period, I was at home for a long time, so the power of the plant was great. I also took a closer look at our plants, and mysteriously, I observed better, watered me carefully, changed positions, and evenly lit the sun. It's growing a lot.

Then, in a car, I went to an offline bookstore to find a book, and I found 'Anyway, a plant' in a bookshelf with 'Anyway' series. I've read a lot of 'Anyway' series, but why haven't you read the plants in the meantime, and why the online bookstore's algorithm didn't recommend it to me? Especially on the cover. "I feel precious to them that I need it."

Therefore, today's bustling book is 'Anyway, a plant' (written by Im Lee, published by Conan Books). This is Im's first book to play bass and make music in the band 'Deer Cloud'.
The author accidentally moved to a house with a veranda, and accidentally moved into a world of plant butlers, taking care of a tree that a friend traveled abroad to take care of. . But there is a relationship that goes beyond a coincidence to have a deep relationship with something. The time when the author was fascinated by plants was a very difficult time.

Curiously, I was fascinated by the plants at this time. Even if we didn't say anything, we quickly became friends. You didn't have to introduce yourself, and you didn't have to dress yourself up or make a happy expression. The plants grew as honestly as I loved them. That healthy way made me happy.
-'Anyway, plants'

I liked the Chinese plant, and it was considered a hobby of parents until a few years ago. Nowadays, there are more places where young people who like plants are decorated with plants. The author says in an article titled 'It is no longer out of place to like a plant.'

Now I know in this world that what I can and cannot grow is clearly divided. Among the things that have been carefully grown without the possibility of growing up, there were plants with hot and dry land, and human mind. I hate to admit it, but so is any part of my career. Fortunately, there are some things that grow easily without much effort. Plants suited to my temperament and my environment grew up and down with just the sun and wind. And sometimes on a lucky day, some songs grew easily.

-'Anyway , a plant', the author of this book, Im-Ryang, said this in the podcast 'Read Out' of Oh Eun's Onggi boil.

"I think that people who can be happy don't have to do anything to change their lives. I think it's as if they're just doing what they're doing. People who are bitterly bitter and crumbled need more space to lean on to maintain the Maginot Line. "

The space to lean on was a 'plant' for the author. What is it for us?

*** I got permission to read 'Conan Books'.

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