Recently, the Dongsheng Fire Rescue Station in Zhongshan City received a police call from the detachment command center, saying that a barbecue stall in Gaosha Second Market was on fire. After receiving the police, the rescue station immediately dispatched 3 fire trucks, and 12 combatants quickly arrived at the scene for disposal.

  After 15 minutes of hard work, the firemen successfully extinguished the open flames of the barbecue booth. But at this time the danger has not been lifted. The gas cylinders transferred from the barbecue stalls are burning, just like a "time bomb", dangers can happen at any time.

  Firefighters immediately laid a water curtain hose around the gas bottle, using water splashes to dilute the liquefied petroleum gas in the air, while cooling the tank. Since the valves of three gas cylinders were burnt out, they could not be closed normally, resulting in a "spitting fire" all the time. The firefighter immediately decided to put the burning gas bottle in a trash bin full of water for continuous cooling, and at the same time use a water gun to continuously dilute the liquefied petroleum gas in the air. After 20 minutes, the three gas cylinders finally leaked and went out safely.

  The fire department is currently investigating the cause of the accident. (Wang Jian Peng Qiurong Ruan Yingluo)

Editor in charge: [Song Fangcan]