Family board game during confinement (illustration photo) - BLOCH RAPHAEL / SIPA

Strongly the release on May 11. And yet ... Containment was not necessarily bad times. It may be the ritual of family breakfasts. That of the evenings spent watching a good film. Or even a more fulfilling sex life, afternoons to read in the garden, time to tinker or make TikTok ... Whether we live the confinement more or less serenely, this particular period in terms of the fight against the coronavirus may, for some of us, be associated with happy memories.

You will not repeat the confinement experience for anything in the world but, despite everything, will you miss some details of everyday life? Did you have special moments with your loved ones? Found the time, between two teleworking beaches, to indulge in yoga, painting or video games? Perhaps you will regret the possibility of cooking more? Whether your experience of confinement is more or less happy, tell us these details that make it bearable and that you will even remember fondly!


Coronavirus: "Blessing", "appeasement" ... These French people who live better confinement than expected


Coronavirus: But why did the French wait for confinement before jogging?

  • Hobbies
  • Family
  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Society