• Survivors 2020: the disaster of Rocío Flores
  • MomenTVS. Lara Álvarez's 'traps' in Survivors 2020
  • Television: the despicable poison that brought out the worst in Survivors

November 2007, Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State, the King of Spain at the time, Juan Carlos I, got fed up with the then President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and in full meeting he said, "Why don't you shut up?" that even today continues to rumble. It has until entry in Wikipedia, I do not say more. Gala 10 of Survivors 2020 , Jorge Javier Vázquez does not agree with the resolution that the organization has given in one of the games of the location test. Tangana is bundled. Survivors 2020 back in the trigger. Much of the audience screaming in the sky, and more than one in Mediaset thinking to himself: "Why don't you shut up?"

"We want it to be the same for everyone"; "Ana María, is that you clearly see how you put your foot on it"; "How unfair everything" ; "You are a parakeet with sticks and the other is Ortega Cano's wife"; "What a pity that mediaset only has eyes for certain families"; "On Tele5, objectivity is passed on by the papo"; "But what the hell is this?" ; "What a shame of organization!" ; "Come the injustice of survivors" ; "A presenter cannot be this radical with some and this is the ball with others" ... And he could fill pages and pages of what last night Survivors 2020 and, especially, Jorge Javier Vázquez messed about without coming up, without it being necessary, just because, as I have said for a long time, fairness and equality do not exist in Mediaset realities .

If you are not the son of, the mother of, the wife of, the husband of, the boyfriend, the godfather or whatever , you are absolutely nobody and they will treat you like this. Last night it was more than clear that neither survival nor effort, justice, objectivity, or anything matters, the only thing that matters is that the show must go on and for the show to continue as Telecinc or wants to continue, if necessary, bypass the rules, the organization, the judges of the tests and whatever it takes. Why? Because if the wife of, or the daughter of, or the boyfriend of are not happy with what the program has decided, nothing happens, you ride the chicken, you complain a little and, do not worry, that Jorge Javier Vázquez will move heaven and land so that your wishes are fulfilled, so that even cheating, you proclaim yourself victorious. Shameful!

Ana María Aldón does step on the table

But let's get into the mud that today there is shit to give and take. The Gala 10 of Survivors 2020 began with the development of the test location. The test was very simple, the leader of each team would take out a scroll with the name of the contestant who was going to face the battle. The game was very simple , a box with wheels in which each contestant would stand on each side and exert as much force as they could to move the box and pull the partner of the other team he was facing against the platform. The winning team would choose location and on top they would have a pizza as a gift for those contestants who declared themselves winners.

All perfect until Ivana , leader of the mortals, takes out the scroll from Ana María Aldón , and the servants' team decides that Yiya will face her . The two get on the platform, get into position and Lara Álvarez explains the rules of the game again. Very attentive because the key to everything that happened seconds later is in the rules that Lara Álvarez explained and in what could and could not be done during the confrontation: "Remember, the most important rules are not to lift your hands from the box and, Above all, do not rest your foot or exert force on the plank at the base of that box, otherwise you will be disqualified. " Do not support or step on the plank that is at the bottom of the box.

Simple rules of a simple test , but Survivors 2020 loves to complicate even the simplest. The duel begins and when it does not take even 10 seconds Ana María Aldón skips the rules for the first time: Yiya pushes and Ana María Aldón's foot pries the bottom of the box preventing the box from rolling. Lara Álvarez warns him, asks him to remove his foot, takes the toe out from under the plank on which he was already doing to a lever effect. Yiya pushes again, Ana María, brakes again with her foot pushing the plank and then steps on the plank that it was forbidden to step on not to force or brake but to feel where she places it after removing it from under the plank.

The organization sees it, warns Lara Álvarez and the test stops. The Survivors 2020 VAR is then activated . After the multiple complaints about how the tests have been carried out in this edition, 2020 Survivors is no longer risking it , and the images are analyzed to confirm that Ana María Aldón breaks the rules, steps on the plank and even makes a lever with the foot to slow down the box.

Lara Álvarez communicates it to both and then Ana María Aldón , wife of Ortega Cano, putative grandmother of Rocío Flores , takes the basket of tigernuts and runs from the beach area where the test is pissed off like a monkey and completely ignoring Jorge Javier Vázquez who even bellows for Ana María Aldón to pay attention to him, of Lara Álvarez , who asks him to return, of the camera that tells him that if he continues to move away, he will not hear what they say. What has been the anger and I don't breathe from a little girl. Lara Álvarez is freaking out colorinchis, Yiya returns to her place after being proclaimed winner, taking the consequent pizza and the point for her team, and Jorge Javier follows Ana María Aldón as a lap dog.

Jorge Javier puts Survivientes 2020 in a challenge

Ana María Aldón is pissed off, she even speaks in Aramaic, she has not cheated. Ride a chicken here I wait for you. "I swear by my son that I have not stepped on the plank. If Yiya pushes my foot, she gets hooked, but I do not force myself, I swear," Ana María Aldón repeated over and over again as if it were the Nuremberg trials. "Check what you want, at all times it has been said that you cannot step on the plank and I have not stepped on it. No one has explained anything about the tip. It is unfair. I have not lied about the tip, Yiya pushes and throws the box on the foot. It is not fair because I do not cheat any and took everything to the letter ", warns Ana María Aldón who clearly was not going to consent to be given the test for lost no matter how much she was he was saying yes, that he had stepped on, that he had supported, that he had put his toe under the table.

The organization was very clear, yes, it has supported and yes, it has stepped on it. They show the images over and over again, the decision has already been made. Lara Álvarez has communicated what the judges have ruled, she has explained it, she has shown it and she has given Yiya as the winner, and if Ana María Aldón gets pissed off then you already have two tasks, to piss off and piss off, until ...

Until the favoritism, the cronyism, the nepotism of Jorge Javier Vázquez enters the scene. "I am seeing the images and I am unable to understand it. I think you are right," says Jorge Javier Vázquez, giving wings to Ana María Aldón. And to take everything for a sack, to take organization for a sack and to take justice for a sack. Despite the fact that the organization had been very clear about what Ana María Aldón had done and despite the fact that the images could not be clearer, Jorge Javier Vázquez before the monumental anger of Ana María Aldón and his threats that up to now they had arrived and that he was not going to consent, he decides to question the decision of Survivors 2020 and warns that he has nothing clear that Ana María Aldón stepped on the plank or made force with the foot to stop the box.

It is then when the credibility of the organization collapses. Slow motion images begin to pass over and over and there is not a hint of doubt: Ana María Aldón steps on the table. You could not step on the table, but since it is Ana María Aldón and the other is Yiya , Jorge Javier Vázquez begins to sweep for Ortega Cano's wife, puts the organization, Lara Álvarez and Sursum Corda against the ropes until 2020 Survivors makes the decision to repeat the test by throwing the organization's resolution overboard.

Send balls! Not only was it perfectly clear that Ana María Aldón had breached the rules, but also that the program, after analyzing the images several times, had reached the conclusion and had thus communicated that Ana María Aldón had lost and that Yiya was the winner. But Jorge Javier Vázquez does not agree with him, he does not want to face Ana María's foolishness, he does not want him to get angry or leave and move Rome with Santiago so that the test is repeated, so that Ana María does not lose and so that Yiya, who obviously does not support, does not take the trophy.

Survivors 2020 audience bursts

Indignation breaks out among the audience, and with good reason. If the images are clear, if the organization has seen it clearly, if they show it to us again and again and there is not an iota of doubt, why does the test have to be repeated? Why is JJ not seeing it clearly? Why Ana María Aldón is who she is and Yiya is not? Why does the sailor not command the boss? Shameful. JJ asks Ana María Aldón to return to the play area and announces that the test is going to be repeated, and that's when Yiya, who among her many faults, is that of not keeping quiet absolutely no matter who comes from, she decides not to carry out the proof. With two ovaries! Slow applause for Yiya .

"If the organization has clearly seen that I was setting foot because I have to repeat the game? I can also now assemble the chicken . Let her eat the pizza." And Yiya decides to leave the game, while Ana María continues to assure that she has not stepped on anything and poor Lara Álvarez who no longer knows where to get, insists that she has stepped on it, that in the images it is clear, but that ... But as JJ was not clear, as JJ had doubts and as JJ wanted the test to be repeated, well, to be repeated. Yiya refuses, leaves and to what would have been logical that JJ had gone after Yiya as it was behind Ana María ? And a milk! "Ana María, winner," sentenced Jorge Javier Vázquez without making a damn case to Yiya. He only needed to have the camera plugged in at that moment and that he would have been hunted celebrating it. Of course, as Yiya is not the wife of, nor the daughter of, nor the girlfriend of ...

But the best thing is not that JJ went through the lining, what the organization had decided is that the rules were changed so that the box could be stopped with the foot as long as the board was not stepped on. Of course, with whom he gave them the real desire because nothing else decided at first that Ana María Aldón had lost, Jorge and José Antonio Avilés faced each other , and Jorge was immediately disqualified the second that his foot touched the box. However, when Ivan a and Elena faced each other, you could leverage, put your toe on, brake with your foot.

And I don't want to tell you when Yiya , who finally decided to do the test, and Ana MAría Aldón finally met. There were no rules or Christ who founded it, there you could already do what came out of the bolus without anyone saying anything. No wonder the duel between the two ended without any in the water and with Ana María proclaiming herself the winner by having managed to move the box more than Yiya . Survivors 2020 rewrote the test to suit Ana María Aldón and Jorge Javier Vázque z. It is that I write it and turn it on.

I get turned on not only by Jorge Javier's blatant favoritism, I get turned on because even making the decision that the test would be repeated, the organization, Lara Álvarez and even JJ himself kept telling Ana María that she had indeed supported. The best thing would have been to say to her, 'Look pretty, you've stepped on and supported, but since you are who you are and we don't want stories, we repeat the test and modify it to suit you so that you shut the hell up.' I go on because the contestants are not treated equally or remotely. Because if you don't like him and if you don't have a godfather, you're nobody , and they don't cut a hair to hide it.

Rocío Flores opens in canal

I am turned on because while the relatives of Ana María Aldón or Rocío Flores are allowed to expand, complain, show their outrage and even agree , the relatives and defenders of 'the others' are badly answered, they are short or straight or given a voice. That they tell Jorge's defender when he asked that Jorge's test be repeated because he had done the same as Ana María and had given up on the game. JJ's response was again an embarrassment: "Now at the exit we are going to put a complaints box." Enough!

It is enough that program after program everything revolves around the same person, Rocío Flores ; enough of cronyism; enough favoritism; Enough of none and treat as rags those who are not crown jewels. You cannot dedicate every gala and every program always to them. Last night, again with Rocío Flores . JJ announced it as soon as the program started, Rocío Flores wanted to speak, and the truth that I really wanted to speak I did not see. He spoke because in the end JJ is an expert in finding water in the desert itself, but that she would have asked to speak, it gives me that they took it out of the sleeve because it had to be made the protagonist again.

Of course, of all the times that Rocío Flores has tried to talk about her mother and open up the channel last night was the clearest. For the first time, he clearly stated that he wanted an approach with his mother, that he had a pending conversation with her and, finally, he made it clear that she is not aggressive and that she is not in Survivors 2020 to speak ill of anyone or harm anyone. her mother, that she is in Survivors 2020 to ensure her brother a future. I do not know if it was completely transparent, but at least it was the first time that she did not go around the bush and that she herself showed her reality, and not the others as she has been until last night. But, really, that to me and to the drama Flores-Carrasco is that, speaking in silver, he brings her to me .

At least Yiya managed to make up for the location test and gave an open hand to everyone by winning the leadership test and becoming the leader of the serfs, and now without Nyno Vargas, who became the expelled from the night in his duel with José Antonio Avilés. Hugo, Barranco, Jorge and Avilés are the new nominees and I don't know why but it gives me that the next to fly to Spain is going to be Hugo, because no matter how much support he has outside the week he has given is to send him with the I pull well away.

In short, what need is there for Survivors 2020 to roll the one he messed up last night because of the anger of a lady who neither was nor and because of the favoritism of a presenter who neither was nor was. Survivors 2020 made the fairest decision, did it well, showed the images, justified its resolution and ... and ended up shitting so as not to disturb those who they think are not interested in disturbing. Then if the audience warms up ... Well, don't activate the bomb .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Survivors
  • Telecinco

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