Horse owners can move around the closed equestrian centers (illustration). - Alexas_Fotos

Horse owners are allowed to go to horse centers this Friday - closed to the public due to the coronavirus epidemic - to feed and care for their animals, announced the Minister of Agriculture Didier Guillaume.

Horse owners will be able to "move around in their meadows or in equestrian centers to feed, care for or provide the physical activity essential for their animals," the minister said in a statement on Thursday.

Press release # COVID19 🔉 - The Minister @ dguillaume26 announces the possibility for horse owners to go to equestrian centers to help feed and care for their animal from April 24, 2020 👇

- Ministry of Agriculture and Food (@Agri_Gouv) April 23, 2020

Certificate with "compelling family motive"

Didier Guillaume clarified that "these trips are authorized if the equestrian centers cannot provide all the care themselves". Horse owners are invited to bring a travel certificate "by checking the compelling family motive," he added.

Due to the epidemic of Covid-19, the equestrian centers cannot accommodate the public, recalled the ministry, adding "that they must imperatively set up reception schedules" for the owners of horses.


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  • Animals
  • Containment
  • Horse
  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Coronavirus