Researchers announced that they had discovered the first major mutation in the "Covid-19" virus, and published their findings in a study on "BioAzive" website. They said the occurrence of these mutations impedes efforts to develop an effective vaccine, but they have ruled out their recurrence because of the consistent nature of COFED-19 DNA, compared to, for example, the SARS virus.

According to the Dubai Future Observatory, the Future Observatory, researchers studied the DNA of Covid-19 in 106 samples in a database that collected information about the epidemic from all over the world, and then compared these data to 39 DNA sequences of SARS virus.

The study showed that the DNA of the "Covid-19" virus witnessed one big mutation, and it was in a sample taken from an infected person in India, on January 27th, which means that the DNA of this virus is stable if we compare it with the DNA of the SARS virus, which witnessed mutations Several great. The researchers stated that the lack of DNA exposure to "Covid-19" to large mutations supports efforts to reduce the spread of the epidemic because it accelerates the development of effective vaccines and antiviral viruses, and the effect of recurring mutations is reflected in the difficulty of eliminating seasonal influenza, as the vaccine that scientists develop is not suitable for seasonal flu. Within a year, for the next year, because the DNA of the virus is exposed to many mutations that change its makeup, the antibodies that the body made of the old vaccine will not succeed in countering the virus with its new mutation.

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