On April 23, regarding the question of when the global epidemic inflection point came, Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in a video interview with China News that the global epidemic is divided into several situations: some countries have begun to slow down For example, Italy, Spain and some other European countries; some countries are still developing, like the United States, which has the most outstanding performance and high growth every day; now everyone is most worried about some developing countries, such as India and African countries. Some people say that the next wave is likely to be a developing country, and this danger exists. Therefore, our attitude is to hope that the isolation of these European countries will be stricter, so that the turning point will be officially turned around. As long as it is strictly isolated and there is a month, you can see obvious results. (Reporter Wen Mengxin edits Chi Hanyu)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]