China News Agency, Lanzhou, April 22 (Wei Jianjun, Ai Qinglong) In mid-April, at the Chinese herbal medicine planting base in Tanggaang Township, Xiahe County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu, medicinal planters are loosening the soil in preparation for planting rhubarb. After years of domestication, some Chinese-Tibetan medicinal materials produced in the cold regions with the "original ecology", "pure natural" and other gold signs have entered the artificial cultivation stage, and have become popular in domestic and Southeast Asian, Japanese and Korean markets.

  The Chinese medicinal materials planted on the plateau at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters have unexpectedly become the "main force" for herders to increase their income through multiple channels. Mr. Gabe, secretary of the party branch of Rangwudao Administrative Village in Tanggaang Township, Xiahe County, said that in fact, when trying to artificially cultivate Chinese medicinal materials two or three years ago, “blind tossing” and “nonsense” were also heard in the ears, but As the Chinese and Tibetan medicinal materials after the "entry into the countryside" became more and more effective, the herdsmen's enthusiasm became higher and higher.

  Last year, a local Chinese herbal medicine plantation company, with Gabor as the person in charge, only boosted the income of 79 poor households who filed and filed cards through the payment of dividends. He said that with the support of many herdsmen, this year will continue to expand the scale of cultivation of Chinese and Tibetan medicinal materials.

  Gannan Prefecture is located on the northeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and is one of the main medicinal herbs areas in Gansu Province. There are more than 850 kinds of pure natural wild Chinese and Tibetan medicinal herbs in the territory. The reserves of Chinese and Tibetan medicinal herbs are 52.43 million kilograms, most of which grow above 3000 meters above sea level.

  According to Zhao Lingyun, governor of Gannan Prefecture, Gannan is located on a plateau with good light resources, few pests and diseases, and the quality of Chinese and Tibetan medicinal materials is guaranteed. In recent years, Gannan has relied on the Chinese-Tibetan medicine industry to accelerate the construction of Chinese-Tibetan medicinal planting bases, establish and improve Tibetan medicine research institutions, advance the state ’s poverty alleviation, adjust economic structure, and achieve transformation and upgrading.

  "Removing poverty and removing hats is indispensable for Chinese and Tibetan medicine." Zhao Lingyun said that Gannan Prefecture will take advantage of the rich resources of Chinese and Tibetan medicine and unique cultural advantages of Tibetan medicine, and support leading enterprises, cooperatives and other companies to further dig into Chinese and Tibetan medicine. At the same time, introduce and train Tibetan medicine research experts and talents, and strive to make new breakthroughs and development in the fields of scientific research achievements and intellectual property rights of Tibetan medicine. (Finish)