Supervision of foreign technical interns 3 groups Total income of 500 million yen Hidden pointed out 17:47 on April 20

It is pointed out by the National Taxation Bureau that about three hundred fifty million yen in income is hidden by the three supervising organizations in Hiroshima City and Nagano Prefecture, which are responsible for accepting foreign technical intern trainees, have posted fictitious expenses. I found out through interviews with related parties.

According to the people involved, three supervising organizations responsible for accepting foreign technical intern trainees were pointed out one after another by the tax examination of the National Taxation Bureau in the fall of adulthood, which revealed hidden income due to improper accounting processing.

Of these, “Cooperative Friend Nippon” in Hiroshima City was pointed out to have posted fictitious business consignment expenses, and it was pointed out that the income was hidden about 300 million yen in the years leading up to the end of the fiscal year. Is about 50 million yen.

In addition, the "national human resources support business cooperative" in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture, about 110 million yen, and the "Asahi Cooperative Society" in Kawakami Village, Nagano Prefecture, pointed out about 100 million yen in income hiding. about it.

Regarding this, "Cooperative Union Friend Nippon" commented, "Although there were some parts that were denied the cost, we have already filed a revised tax return and completed tax payment."

In addition, the “National Human Resources Supporting Cooperative Association” responded to NHK's interview that “it was recognized that the accounting treatment was legal as an association, but there were some mistakes in the views. Has been completed ”.